ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024
5e Eating out
Сторінка 622. A. Listen to a conversation between Lee and two of his friends and choose the main idea.
c. Lee is asking his friends about a restaurant.
B. Listen again and write T for True or F for False.
1. Mike doesn't want to go to Joe's Steakhouse because he doesn't like it. False.
2. Mike is watching his brother play basketball tonight. False.
3. Lee calls Alison while he's talking to Mike. False.
4. Alison read Lee's message before she did her maths project. False.
5. Lee and Alison made plans for Saturday. True.
4. A. Read the three emails below and answer the questions.
1. What is the relationship between the three senders? They are friends
2. What is the purpose of each email? The first email is an invitation.
Other emails are replies.
3. What phrases do the writers use to show this?
I'm organising a get-together at a restaurant and I'd really like you to come.
Waiting for your reply.
Thanks for inviting me.
I'd love to come
I'm afraid I can't make it on Saturday
Сторінка 63
4. В. Read the set phrases given below and the phrases 1-4. In which part do they belong? Write the phrases under the correct heading.
1. Waiting for your reply. - inviting (at the end).
2. I'm sorry but I've got other plans. - refusing.
3. How about coming to.? - inviting (at the beginning).
4. How can I say no? - accepting.