ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024
6b Save our planet!
Сторінка 681. A. What are the causes of water pollution? Listen, read and check your answers.
In my opinion, one of the cause of water pollution is a litter thrown in waters and on the banks.
B. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. Where does waste usually come from? It usually comes from homes, factories and farms.
2. Why is this waste dangerous? Because this waste can harm people, animals and plants, for example, by causing diseases.
3. What do scientists predict? Scientists predict that water pollution will increase and that soon there won't be any clean rivers left.
4. What causes oil spills? Oil spills are caused by leaks in ships or when oil tankers have an accident.
5. How do oil spills harm the environment? The surface of the sea fills with oil and this can destroy the plants in the sea and along the coasts, and can also kill fish, sea mammals, and even birds.
6. Why is it better to prevent water pollution than to clean it up? Because cleaning up the world's waters is extremely difficult and expensive, and can take years.
C. Read the experiment again and tick (3 ) the correct pictures.
1. +, 5. +.
Сторінка 69
2. Match the words below with the pictures а-d and the definitions 1-4. smog - d, 2. a mixture of smoke and fog that is caused by cars and factories.
acid rain - c, 3. rain that has acid from pollution and harms plants and buildings.
oil spill - az 1. the oil on the surface of the water which comes from ships.
toxic waste - b, 4. harmful materials that are not used any more, and are pumped into rivers, lakes and sea.
3. Complete the sentences with the Future will of the verbs in the box.
1. I think the Lions will win the game tonight. What do you think?
2. Scientists believe that there won't be any clean air to breathe in the future.
3. I promise I won't use your computer when you're not home.
4. My backpack is heavy. Will you carry it for me, please?