ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карп’юк О.Д.] 2020

icon25.01.2021, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 791, icon0

Lesson 2. After School
p.22 ex.1.
1 — do sports;
2 — watch TV;
3 — play computer games;
4 — go to the cinema;
5 — take part in an after-school activity;
6 — practice playing an instrument;
7 — shoot films;
8 — ride a bike;
9 — go for a walk;
10 — surf the Net.
p.23 ex.2.
A: How often do you watch films? B: Every day.
A: How often do you play the instrument? B: Twice a week.
A: How often do you go to the cinema? B: Sometimes.
A: How often do you ride a horse? B: Never.
A: How often do you go for a walk? B: Not very often.
p.24 ex.4.
The children shoot films, ride a bike, play computer games, play musical instrument.
p.24 ex.5.
1. John likes his film club because he loves films.
2. Vicky wears her helmet because she does all sorts of tricks.
3. Ron’s mother gets mad when his father and he play against each other.
4. Liz likes playing in a school orchestra because she likes music.
p.25 ex.5.
John likes his film club because he likes films. Vicky likes her helmet because she tries out new things. Ron’s mother gets mad because she plays games with her father. Liz likes playing in a school orchestra because she dreams of playing in the Philarmonic orchestra one day.
p.25 ex.6.
I can join a music club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can take part in school concerts and parties. I like it because I want to become a famous musician in my future.
p.26 ex.1.
I mustn’t give any personal information or post a photo. I also mustn’t meet anyone I meet online.
p.26 ex.2.
1) T;
2) T;
3) F;
4) F;
5) T;
6) F;
7) F;
8) T;
9) F;
10) T.
p.27 ex.3.
1. The topic of the show is New Technology and Children.
2. Mrs Fisher gets upset because her son spends all day playing computer games or surfing the Net.
3. Emma uses a computer for learning and doing her homework, for downloading music and watching video clips.
4. Emma’s parents keep repeating she mustn’t meet up with people she meets online.
5. Emma doesn’t play games online.
6. Emma mustn’t join any of the chat rooms at school.
7. Because it is dangerous to post a photo or to give out any personal informal on the Internet.
p.29 ex.1.
1. I can’t wear this skirt. It’s too short.
2. Tom can’t buy this camera/ it isn’t good.
3. Winnie-the Pooh couldn’t get through the hole. He was too fat.
4. Let’s buy jeans. They are cheap enough.
5. I can’t carry this suitcase. It’s too heavy.
6. Where is Mike? It is too late.
7. Switch on the lamp. It is not light enough.
p.29 ex.2.
1 — too;
2 — enough;
3 — too;
4 — enough;
5 — too;
6 — enough;
7 — enough;
8 — too;
9 — enough;
10 — enough.
p.29 ex.3.
1 — many;
2 — many;
3 — enough;
4 — enough;
5 — too much;
6 — enough;
7 — too much.
p.30 ex.4.
a) 1. too small;
2 — too long;
3 — warm enough;
4 — sweet enough.
b) 1 — too much;
2 — too many;
3 — too many;
4 —too much.
p.30 ex.5.
1. We have just enough time to get to the airport.
2. She has too much work to do.
3. I have not enough money for a trip to Australia.
4. This is not enough paint for that room.
5. Don’t give too many candies to her.
6. She is not tall enough to reach the top shelf.
7. That’s enough pasta for two people.
8. That is too much to carry for him.
9. Is the baby enough warm?
10. I think that flat is enough big for us.
p.31 ex.1.
1. The boys are doing a model of a plane or a car. I think it is an extra-school activity. We do not have the same activity at school.
2. I think it is a Drama Club. We have the same extra-school activity at school
3. The people are dancing. It is a Dance Club. I do the same extra-school activity at school.
4. The boy is painting. It can be an Art lesson or an Art Group. We do not have the same activity at our school.
5. The boy is playing tennis. It can be a PE lesson or a Tennis Club. We have the same activity at our school.
6. The pupils are playing different musical instruments. It is an extra-school activity. There isn’t an orchestra at our school.
p.32 ex.2.
1. The leaflet is about school clubs.
2. We could see it on the notice-board at school.
3. There are seven clubs there.
p.33 ex.3.
I want to join the Drama Club. I think it is interesting. I don’t want to join the Art club. I must say it is dull.
I want to join the Book club because I like reading. I don’t want to join the computer club. In my opinion it’s boring.
I want to join the Photography club. I believe it is Fantastic! I will be able to take different photos everywhere. But I must say that I won’t join the Music club. I can’t play any instrument. It’s too boring.
p.34 ex.1.
Rules for the safe use of the Internet: 1. Keep your computer clean.
2. Use your computer not more than two hours a day.
3. Search only necessary and useful information.
4. Don’t hang out in the Internet aimlessly.
5. Use special vocabulary while using of the Internet.
p.34 ex.2.
English Club: Are you fond of English? Come to our club. Learn more about history, culture, customs and traditions of the English speaking countries, read books in original English. You also can play in different shows and performances in English. Meetings: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
p.34 ex.5.
These announcements inform us about a chess tournament held by the Chess Club and about a new performance held by the School Theatre.
p.35 ex.1.
CanteenHeadmaster’s officeStaff roomChanging roomGymJanitor’s room
LockersMusic classroomComputer roomLibraryScience labToilets
The music classroom is between the lockers and the computer room. It is opposite the headmaster’s office.
p.35 ex.2.
Yesterday we visited a new school that was opened up in our town. All the pupils wear green uniform there. But they needn’t wear it after classes. Extra-school activities usually start at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Lots of pupils joined different clubs. The school has got an excellent theatre. They held performances in the Assembly Hall. The Science Club is on Tuesdays and Fridays in a lab where pupils have got their Science classes.
p.35 ex.3.
1 — must;
2 — mustn’t;
3 — mustn’t;
4 — must;
5 — mustn’t;
6 — must;
7 — mustn’t;
8 — must;
9 — must;
10 — mustn’t.
p.36 ex.4.
2. This jacket is not warm enough.
3. I’ve got enough computer games.
4. I’ve got too much homework.
5. She was late for school because she got up late enough.
6. You eat too fast.
p.36 ex.5 b)
1 — b (form);
2 — a (questions);
3 — a (a plan);
4 — b (six);
5 — b (volleyball);
6 — b (cooking);
7 — a (2000);
8 — a (a dog).
p.37 ex.5b.
1. b,
2. a,
3. a,
4. b,
5. b,
6. b,
7. a,
8. a.
p.38 ex.6.
a) I play computer games every day. No, I don’t play violent games No, I don’t think that playing computer games makes children aggressive Playing computer games helps me to make friends.
p.39 ex.7.
1) T;
2) T;
3) F;
4) F (It is hard to tell);
5) T;
6) F.
p.39 ex.8.
a) I agree with the statement. Sometimes children do not understand the danger of being online. Parents and children should discuss different situations which could happen online.
b) I agree with the statement. It is difficult to learn how to communicate with others or make friends when you spend all days in front of the computer screen.
c) I agree with the statement. If there is a time limit, children will do the most important tasks at first. They will not surf the Net aimlessly. And they will have more time to communicate with their friends or to join different activity clubs.
p.40 ex.9.
1 — true;
2 — false;
3 — true;
4 — false;
5 — false;
6 — true;
7 — true;
8 — false;
9 — true.
p.41 ex.10.
We are going to hold a Culture Festival at our school next month. All of our pupils and teachers have been working hard over this project since the beginning of the school year. We invited a lot of guests to our festival. They are pupils and teachers from other schools, our pupils’ parents and relatives. We are going to hold some exhibitions of handmade toys and pictures drawn by our pupils, to perform a gallery of pupils’ projects, a Ukrainian play and an English puppet show. Our guests will be able to enjoy a wonderful international fashion show, Ukrainian folk songs and dances. Pupils have been making all decorations and costumes themselves. We know that our school headmaster is going to give some presents and prizes to the best pupils’ groups. We are looking forward to holding this great event.
р.43 ex.2.
1 — b;
2 – a;
3 – b;
4 – a.
p.43 ex.3.
Picture 1: Every day after lunch, Mrs. Jewls read a story to the class.
Picture 2: When the story was Jrery funny Dana couldn’t stop laughing.
Picture 3; When the story was very sad Dana couldn’t stop crying.
Picture 4: The next day Dana came up to Mrs. Jewls for a talk. She wanted to go out when Mrs. Jewls was reading.
Picture 5: «Really?» asked Dana. She always thought she hated stories when she really loved them. She was glad.
Ex.4 p.43
1. She laughed or cried while listening to the stories.
2. When she couldn’t stop laughing, John called her a giggle box, When she couldn’t stop crying, he called her a leaky faucet.
3. Dana asked her teacher if she had to go out when she read.
4. The teacher told Dana that she really loved her stories.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Підручник Карп'юк 2020 Астон
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