ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Зошит для контролю [Ходаковська О.О.] 2016

icon31.05.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon6 355, icon1

Variant 2

1. Complete the dialogue using the words from the box.
Doctor: What had happened to you?
Patient: I need to see the dentist because one of my (teeth) is bad. But I'm terrified of dentists.
Doctor: Don't be (afraid). bet's examine your teeth — the first tooth needs to be pulled out, the second tooth needs a (filling).
Patient: Do I need an (injection)?
Doctor: Yes, I'll give an injection and after that I'll start drilling. You will hardly (feel) a thing.
2. Match the problems with the pieces of advice.
b - 1) I have a cold.
a - 2) I've broken my mobile phone.
d - 3) I've lost my homework.
c - 4) I've got toothache.
e - 5) I'm always very tired.

3. Fill in the gaps.
1) A car that quickly takes you to hospital is called an (ambulance).
2) A (dentist) checks your teeth.
3) You go to (hospital) when you feel sick or have an injury.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Зошит для контролю Зошит Ходаковська 2016 Ранок
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