ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024
Сторінка 181. Match the words to the pictures.
4. a cooker;
1. an iron;
2. garbage;
3. a vacuum cleaner
2. Match the phrases in the box to the pictures below.
do the shopping;
do the washing-up;
do the cooking;
do the ironing;
do the hoovering;
tidy a room.
Сторінка 19
3. Match the words/phrases with the paraphrases.
1-f; 2-е; 3-h; 4-b; 5-а; 6-g; 7-d; 8-е.
1. to split - f. to divide or share with someone.
2. to do the ironing - e. to make clothes smooth with an iron.
3. to do the hoovering - h. to clean with a vacuum cleaner.
4. to do the shopping - b. to visit shops in order to buy things.
5. garbage - a. waste material from a house or office.
6. to save money - g. to keep and add to a sum of money for later use.
7. to do the washing-up - d. to make plates and cups clean.
8. to do the cooking - c. to prepare for eating by using a cooker.
4. Read the interview with Amanda in your SB. Then write T for true sentences or F for the false ones below.
Folse - Amanda has got a lot of free time.
Folse - She does the shopping after school.
True - Amanda wants to save money to buy a computer.
True - She delivers newspapers before school.
Folse - She helps out in a hospital.
Folse - Amanda splits the chores with her brother.
True - She takes out the garbage and tidies up her room.
Folse - Her mum does the hoovering.
True - Her mum does the cooking and washing-up.
True - Amanda enjoys going shopping together with her mum.
5. Listen to the song (SB, Unit 2, p.29, t.5) and put the lines in the right order.
When you have a job that's not much fun.
And you wonder when you'll get it done.
Don't wait till later - time may not allow!
Don't wait till later - do it now!
When you have some work that's not much fun.
A job to do before day is done.
Don't wait till tomorrow - better not delay!
Don't wait till tomorrow - do it today!
Сторінка 20
1. Match the pictures with the phrases.
1 - put dirty clothes in the washing machine and turn it on;
2 - do the shopping;
3 - do the ironing;
4 - do the washing-up;
5 - clean the cooker;
6 - make a sandwich;
7 - empty the bin;
8 - put the shopping away (= in the fridge, cupboards, etc.);
9 - cook lunch for the family;
10 - take the washing (= the clothes) out of the washing machine.
Сторінка 21
2. Complete the text with the words from task 1.
Saturday is my day for doing the housework. First, I go to town and do the (1) shopping. Then I come back, (2) put everything away in the cupboards and (3) empty the bin. If the kitchen's dirty, I (4) do the washing-up and then (5) make a cup of tea. My sister usually helps me. She (6) put all the dirty clothes in the washing machine and (7) take the washing out when it's finished. I (8) cook lunch, and afterwards, we do the (9) cooking together. When the clothes are dry, I do the (10) ironing.
3. Write your answers.
1. Who does the shopping? - My parents do the shopping.
2. Who cooks dinner? - My father cooks dinner.
3. Who does the washing-up? - My mother cooks the washing-up.
4. Who cleans the kitchen? - My brother cleans the kitchen.
5. Who empties the bin? - I empty the bin.
6. Who does the ironing? - My mother does the ironing.
Сторінка 22
1. Finish the sentences.
Doing the chores is sharing duties between each others.
'To household' means to do something at home.
A household duty is to do part of the work.
2. Do the crossword.
1 - dishwasher; 2 - frying pan; 3 - pot; 4 - teapot; 5 - kettle; 6 tablecloth.
3. Read Jane's blog on pages 31-32 of your Student's Book and tick the correct column.
cooking breakfast | + | - |
boiling sausages in a pot | - | + |
frying eggs in a frying pan | + | - |
serving breakfast | + | - |
cutting bread | - | + |
making tea | - | + |
making coffee | + | - |
washing up the dishes | - | + |
drying the dishes | - | + |
cleaning the table | - | - |
taking off the tablecloth | + | - |
4. Choose d, bore to complete the sentences according to Jane's blog (SB, pp. 31-32).
1-b; 2-е; 3-b; 4-е; 5-е; 6-b.
1. The (b) notes help remember the chores to do.
2. Every morning Jane's mother (c) cooks breakfast.
3. Jane's sister sometimes (b) boils sausages in a small pot.
4. While Mum is serving eggs with salad, Jane's sister is cutting bread and (c) taking out cups and a teapot.
5. Sometimes Jane's mum prefers (c) coffee to tea.
6. After breakfast, Jane's sister puts the dishes (b) into the dishwasher.
5. Write a paragraph about your household duties. What is your part of the chores to do?
I usually help my parents about the house. Each of us has his own duties. As for me, I clean the house. I keep my room tidy. I help my mother to serve the table. Sometimes I can prepare tasty sandwiches for the whole family.
Сторінка 24
1. Do interviews with two of your classmates about their household chores. Write down their answers in grids like the one in your SB (page 36, task 3). Report on your findings in class.
do the hoovering | + | - | - |
make the bed | - | - | + |
walk the dog | - | + | - |
clear the table | + | - | - |
tidy up the room | - | - | + |
do the ironing | + | - | - |
wash up | + | + | - |
do the cooking | + | + | + |
lay the table | + | - | - |
take out the garbage | - | + | - |
feed the dog | - | + | - |
1. Do the crossword.
1 - hairdryer; 2 - oven; 3 - saw; 4 - toaster; 5 - cleaner.
2. Match the descriptions with the household appliances.
1-е; 2-d; 3-І; 4-а; 5-g; 6-b; 7-е; 8-f; 9-k; 10-j; 11-h.
1. You wash clothes in it. It's a (e) washing machine.
2. You clean with it. It's a (d) vacuum cleaner.
3. You heat things very quickly in it. It's a (i) microwave oven.
4. You press clothes with it. It's an (a) iron.
5. You watch films and play computer games on it. It's a (g) TV.
6. You ring your friends and talk over it. It's a (b) telephone.
7. It cleans your dirty plates, pots and pans. It's a (c) dishwasher.
8. You boil water in it. It's a (f) kettle.
9. It makes toast. It's a (k) toaster.
10. It makes food very, very cold. It's a (j) freezer.
11. It keeps your food cold. It's a (h) refrigerator.
Сторінка 26
1. a) Read the situation and write your example.
Have breakfast and tidy up your room.
Don't sit much time on your laptop.
b) Role-p/ay the situation in pairs.
- Mark, did you have your breakfast?
- Yes, of course. It was so tasty!
- What did you have?
- A sandwich! The easiest one I can make.
- Ok, I see. Did you tidy up your room?
-Almost. I cleaned everything but there are some books left on my table.
- You need to clear it up.
- I know. I will do it.
- How much time did you spend with your laptop?
- Mmm... not much. An hour or so...
- Ok, good of you. Let's go for a walk now.
- With a great pleasure.
2. а) Put the lines in order to make a talk between a daughter and her dad.
- Hi, Dad!
- Helio, Liz! Oh, it smells delicious...
- I've made dinner for us.
- Wow! It sounds nice! What have you cooked, dear?
- I've fried some fish and made some salad. Here you are. Enjoy, Daddy.
- Oh dear, thank you. What about going to the supermarket? I left you the shopping list with money in the morning.
- I've done the shopping, but there wasn't fresh yogurt there. So, I bought some sour cream and strawberries to make dessert.
- Did you have enough money for that? Strawberries must be expensive now.
- It was OK. I used my pocket money. I wanted to make something tasty for you and me.
Сторінка 27
1. Write an e-mail to your friend. Tell him/her about your attitude to householding.
To: Mike
From: Mark
Subject: Household chores
Hello Mike,
Hope you are ok. I am also ok and want to continue our conversation regarding householding. As for me, my attitude is rather good. I like when we do everything together. It is very good if you know what you are responsible for. As I always do my chores proper. I like everything to be done in a proper way.
And what about you? How do you share your household chores? Waiting for your feedback.
Yours Mark.
Сторінка 28
1. Read the descriptions of two rooms and complete the sentences with the names Chloe or Kenny.
1. Chloe has got pets in his/her room.
2. Chloe room is very messy.
3. Kenny hangs out with friends in his/her room.
4. Kenny likes watching movies.
5. Kenny doesn't often leave his/her room.
Сторінка 29
2. Write a paragraph describing your bedroom. Mention your things and what you usually do there.
My bedroom is very light and big. I have a lot of different things there. I study in my room and have a rest also in my room. I have a TV so I can watch it when I have free time. My friends often come to me to play different games. I try to keep my room tidy.
3. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.
1. You wash your clothes in a washing machine. You put some washing powder in the machine.
2. It's cold in a fridge, but it's colder in a freezer. You keep frozen food in a freezer.
3. You clean carpets with a vacuum cleaner.
4. You wash your hands with soap, but you wash your hair with shampoo.
5. You use washing-up liquid to do the washing-up, or you can put the things in a dishwasher.
6. To clean your teeth you put some toothpaste on a toothbrush.
Сторінка 30
4. Write your answers.
Yes, different home appliances make our life easier and more comfortable.
They are very useful as they help to clean the house more quicker. For example dishwasher can wash plates instead of you.
5. Read what Amanda says and write a paragraph about the household duties of your family members.
We usually do everything together. We split household duties between each other. My mother does the cooking and ironing. My father cleans the flat and take the rubbish out. I tidy up my room. We walk the dog by turn, but my father does it more often. We do the shopping together. It is such a fun!