ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024
Сторінка 421. Match.
1. to belong - to be in the right place;
2. to link - to connect;
3. to relete to - to be connected to;
4. to define - to characterise;
5. to receive - to get;
6. Bethlehem - a town where Jesus Christ was born;
7. goodness - the quality of being good;
8. eve - the day before an important holiday;
9. common - usual;
10. mass - the main service in the Christian church.
2. Write out the sentences where the words above (1-10) are used in the texts on pages 64-65 (SB).
In my country spiders or spider webs are common Christmas tree decorations.
In fact, Polish people consider spiders to be symbols of goodness and prosperity at Christmas.
It was the youngest and smallest one in the Wise Men's caravan and it fell down tired at the end of the long journey to Bethlehem.
Bolivians celebrate Misa del Gallo ('Mass of the Cock') on Christmas Eve, with people bringing cocks to midnight mass to symbolise the belief that a cock was the first animal to announce the birth of Jesus Christ.
Сторінка 43
3. Finish the sentences.
1. In Australia, Santa usually arrives by boat instead of a sleigh.
2. In Syria., children receive presents from the youngest and smallest one in the Wise Men's caravan and it fell down tired at the end of the long journey to Bethlehem.
3. In Poland, they believe that a spider is a symbol of goodness and prosperity at Christmas.
4. Morris dance is performed in England.
5. Hot-cross buns are small, lightly sweet buns that contain raisins and sometimes chopped candied fruit.
6. In Bolivia, people believe that a cock was the first animal to announce the birth of Jesus Christ.
4. Answer the questions.
1. Various cultures often help define who we are and where we belong.
2. Tradition relates to a specific activity, event or behaviour that has been repeated over and again from generation to generation.
3. Culture can include things such as traditional clothing, music, dance, ceremonies and culinary traditions.
4. Many cultures around the world have traditions that relate to celebrating.
Сторінка 44
1. Match and write, as in the example.
1-е; 2-g; 3-c; 4-b; 5-h; 6-f; 7-а; 8-d.
1. Christmas Eve - e. 24 December.
2. Christmas Day - g. 25 December.
3. Boxing Day - c. 26 December.
4. New Year's Eve - b. 31 December.
5. New Year's Day - h. 1 January.
6. Independence Day (Ukraine) - f. 24 August.
7. St Nicholas Day - a. 6 December.
8. St Valentine's Day - d. 14 February.
1. Christmas Eve is on the twenty-fourth of December.
2. Christmas Day is on the twenty-fifth of December.
3. Boxing Day is on the twenty-sixth of December.
4. New Year's Eve is on the thirty-first of December,
5. New Year's Day is on the first of January.
6. Independence Day is on the twenty-fourth of August.
7. St. Nicholas Day is on the sixth of December.
8. St Valentine's Day is on the fourteenth of February.
4. Write the names of the holidays to which the words in the box relate.
Use the example.
Birthday parties relate to birthdays.
Paper hearts relate to St Valentine's Day.
Scary costumes relate to Halloween.
Egg hunt relate to Easter.
Carols relate to Christmas Eve.
Сторінка 45
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Chinese people believe that red is a lucky colour.
2. In Bolivia, people bring cocks to midnight mass on Christmas Eve.
3. People smash plates down on their neighbours' doorstep for good luck in the coming year.
4. Scottish people believe that if the first visitor on 1 January is a tall, dark-haired man with a piece of coal, you'll be lucky for the coming year.
5. There is a delicious tradition in Spain on New Year's Eve. According to it, you should eat 12 grapes at midnight to be lucky all year round. 6. Different traditions in each country represent good luck for the coming year.
2. Finish the sentences.
1. Even though New Year traditions are not the same in different countries, they all relate to everyone's hope of having better luck, more money, more love or more happiness in the coming year.
2. Chinese New Year is usually between 21 January and 19 February.
3. In Colombia, people carry a suitcase around with them on 31 December, in the hope of travelling a lot in the coming year.
4. In Spain, each grape you eat at exactly midnight represents good luck for one month of the coming year.
5. In Scotland, there is a tradition of'first-footing'.
6. In Denmark, the more broken plates at your door, the better your luck for the coming year.
Сторінка 46
3. Choose a, bore to complete the sentences.
1-b; 2-е; 3-a; 4-е; 5-b; 6-е.
1. Different (b) cultures celebrate the ending of a year in different ways.
2. The Colombians carry a suitcase around in the (c) hope of travelling a lot in the coming year, a) thought b) idea c) hope
3. In China, they believe that if you cut yourself on New Year's Eve, you'll bring (a) bad luck for the whole family in the coming year.
4. In Spain, each grape you eat at midnight means good luck for each coming (c) month.
5. 'First-footing' is a (b) tradition in Scotland.
6. In (c) Denmark, they stand on chairs and jump off them together at
Сторінка 47
1. Match.
1. to fill - to make full;
2. to provide - to supply or arrange;
3. fireplace - a space for a fire in the wall of a room;
4. 'Auld Lang Syne' - an old Scottish song sung at midnight on New Year's Eve;
5. cracker - a tube in the shape of a sweet containing a joke or a gift; it usually makes a sound and is used at parties;
6. Hogmanay - the Scottish name for New Year's Eve;
7. local - connected with the place where one lives;
8. evergreen - that is green even in winter;
9. shiny - bright;
10. sprig - a small end of a branch with leaves.
2. Write your own answers to the questions in task 1 on page 70 (SB).
1. Who does Christmas celebrate? - People all over the world celebrate Christmas.
2. When is Christmas Eve? - Christmas Eve is on 24th of December.
3. Where do children put their stockings? - Children put their stockings on the fireplace.
4. What do people do on Christmas Day? - They gather together around the table.
5. What is Christmas pudding? - Christmas pudding is sweet, dried-fruit pudding traditionally served as part of Christmas dinner in Britain and other countries
6. What is holly? - Holly is evergreen tree.
7. What are Christmas crackers? - A Christmas Cracker is a cardboard paper tube, wrapped in brightly coloured paper and twisted at both ends.
8. What does a snowman eat for breakfast? He eats snowflakes.
9. When is Boxing Day? - Boxing Day is on 26th of December.
10. What is Hogmanay? - It is a Scottish name for New Years Eve.
Сторінка 48
1. Define the following words.
Santa Claus - a man who brings presents to children;
carol - a song, which children sing on Christmas;
pudding - special dish for Christmas;
sleigh - Santa Claus transport;
reindeer - an animal which carry a sleigh with Santa Clause;
turkey - traditional dish for Christmas;
stocking - a piece of cloth where children find their presents; cake - a dessert for Christmas table.
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. The word 'Christmas' comes from Christ's mass. It celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.
Children hang their stockings around the fireplace. There is roast turkey or roast beef on a Christmas table. After the turkey comes the Christmas pudding. Some people put a coin in it for good luck. There are also Christmas crackers on the table. In Scotland, New Year's Eve is called Hogmany. At midnight people sing «Auld Lang Syne».
Сторінка 49
1. Match.
1. blessing - a gift from God; anybody who brings happiness;
2 cranberry - a small red berry with a sour taste;
3. century - a period of 100 years;
4. gravy - a brown sauce made with meat juices and flour;
5. settler - a member of a new population in an area;
6. dreadful - unpleasant;
7. to survive - to continue to live.
2. Answer the questions. Then do the interview in pairs.
1. I know a lot about history of Halloween.
2. They celebrate Halloween on 30th of October.
3. It is a Halloween practice in which children wearing costumes go from door to door in a neighborhood saying "trick or treat" when a door is opened to ask for treats with the implied threat of playing tricks on those who refuse.
4. Pumpkin is associated with Halloween.
5. It is a lantern made of pumpkin.
6. Yes, I have.
7. No, I am not scared of ghosts, bats and witches.
8. Yes, we had a Halloween party at school.
9. Yes, it is. But it is rather new tradition.
10. Yes, it is very interesting and entertaining experience.
Сторінка 50
1. Write an e-mail to your friend. Describe your last birthday party. Use the questions below.
To: Mark
From: Mike
Subject: Birthday Party.
Hello Mark,
I am writing to you to tell about my last birthday party. We were on Kids room with my friends. We played a lot of different games there. Also we had a lot of tasty dishes on the table. Everyone enjoyed the meal. There were 12 of us. It was such a fun. I received a lot of different presents. Now I have some new books, toys and many sweets. We spend almost the whole day together. It is a pity that you were not able to come. But I am waiting for you any day and we will go there with you.
See you soon.
Yours, Mike.
Сторінка 51
1. Make a list of holidays that are observed in Ukraine. Mention when they are celebrated.
New Years Day is on the 1st of January.
St. Valentines Day is on the 14th of February.
Women's Day is on the 8th of March.
Independence Day is on the 24th of August.
Knowledge Day is on the 1st of September.
Christmas Day is on the 25th of December.
2. Do the quizzes.
1-а; 2-b; 3-b; 4-b; 5-а; 6-b;
1. Christmas is one of the most important holidays in the world. It celebrates (a) the birth of Jesus Christ.
2. Giving presents is an important Christmas tradition. Gifts are traditionally exchanged on (b) Boxing Day (26 December).
3. The day before Christmas is called (b) Christmas Eve.
4. The man who brings children presents at Christmas is called (b) Santa Claus.
5. Songs people sing during the Christmas season are called (a) carols.
6. Many people feel that Christmas has become more about (b) getting together with family.
Сторінка 52
1-а; 2-а; 3-a; 4-а;
1. Halloween is celebrated the day (a) before All Saints' Day.
2. At Halloween people traditionally wear (a) wigs.
3. 'Trick-or-treating' is another popular tradition. Children who are dressed up as witches, ghosts, etc. go around the neighbourhood asking for (a) sweets.
4. People usually remove the inside of a pumpkin, carve a scary face and place a candle inside. This pumpkin face with a candle inside is called a (a) jack-o'-lantern.
Valentines Day:
1-b; 2-а; 3-a; 4-а; 5-а;
1. Valentine's Day is a holiday that celebrates (b) love.
2. A Valentine's Day card has a written message saying (a) how much you mean to someone.
3. Many couples go out on romantic dates on Valentine's Day. They have a meal in restaurants by (a) candlelight.
4. Other symbols include a heart-shaped box of chocolates and the figure of Cupid. If Cupid's arrow hits your heart, you will (a) fall in love.
5. When someone asks you to be their 'Valentine', they (a) simply want you to know they like you.
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3. In pairs, read the text and put eight questions to it in order to prepare a dialogue about the Easter egg traditions.
1. What do eggs symbolise?
2. What is the customs in many countries?
3. What do people do with eggs?
4. What do bright colours represent?
5. What eggs do children use in UK?
6. Who leave chocolate eggs for children?
7. What is egg-rolling tradition?
8. What is the race look like?