ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024

icon24.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon149, icon0

Сторінка 31
1. a) Circle the correct word.
1. In China, people eat with chopsticks.
2. This restaurant serves very delicious food.
3. It is not always easy to get respect from others.
4. Everyone expects you to behave well at the table.
5. I'd like to try food from another country like Bangladesh.
6. I need spoons, bowls and other items of kitchen utensils.
b) Make your own six sentences with the words that you did not circ/e.
1. People in restaurant usually eat with fork and knife.
2. She should provide you all necessary information.
3. My parents always give me good advice how to behave.
4. He expects us to come next week.
5. My dream is to visit Tokyo one day.
6. It is good when technology spread all over the world.
2. a) Read the article on pages 46-47 in the SB and choose a or b. 1-а; 2-а; 3-b; 4-b; 5-а; 6-b.
1. Politeness can help you a) get respect.
2. Good manners are important a) in different situations.
3. In the past, people ate everything with b) their hands.
4. Today, we use b) different items of technology in cooking.
5. Table manners in Europe and Asia are a) different.
6. It b) is important where and with whom you have a meal.
Сторінка 32
2. b) Answer the questions below.
1. What does proper eating include? - Proper eating includes the kind of food you have, the way of cooking it, the manner of serving it and the way of eating it.
2. What kitchen utensils are mentioned in the article? - Forks, knives, spoons, plates, bowls, glasses, cups are mentioned in the article.
3. What items of technology are mentioned in the article? - A cooker, a fridge, a blender, a toaster are mentioned in the article.
4. Why is it necessary to consider where and with whom you eat? - Because the way you eat and the company you eat shows a lot about you.
3. Read the comments on page 48 in the SB and write your own comment on the article.
It is rather interesting article. I found a lot of new things for myself. I agree that manners are very important for everyone.
Сторінка 33
1. Look at the pictures and label them. Say how these items are used.
oven gloves
chopping board
frying pan
2. a) Write the names of the kitchen appliances.
1. Frying pan is used to fry or boil food.
2. Oven is used to bake food.
3. Microwave oven is used to warm up food.
4. Refrigerator is used to keep food fresh.
5. Cup is used to make coffee.
6. Whisk is used to mix food.
7. Toaster is used to make toast.
8. Mixer is used to blend food.
9. Kettle is used to boil water in it.
b) Say which kitchen utensils are replaced by the kitchen items of technology in a), as in the example.
We use microwave oven instead of frying pan to heat the food.
We use mixer instead of whisk to mix food.
Сторінка 34
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. I wonder what is for dinner today.
2. George was promoted to main chef.
3. Chocolate is our main sweet material.
4. Adam is carving the meat at the moment.
5. The canvas is dirty. We must wash it up.
6. We need to hire a new cook for our cafe.
2. Read the text on pages 50-51 in your SB and answer the questions.
1. What did the author like to do with his food in the past? - He likes to play with his food in the past.
2. What did he imagine at the table? - He imagined that his plate with food is a canvas.
3. How did he use his knife? - He used knife to do carving.
4. What did he think about food? - He thought that food is a perfect material for art.
5. What is this person's job? - He is a food artist.
6. What does he do? - He decorates tables.
7. Who does he create food art for? - He creates food art for people.
8. Why does he need photos of the food he makes? - Heneeds photos to promote his work.
3. Talk in pairs. Tell your partner if you would like to be a food artist and why (not).
- Hi, what do you think about food artist?
- I think it is a great thing. And you?
- Me too. Would you like to do it?
- Nope. I am bad at painting.
- Pure you. But I would like to try it one day.
- It is good. You have chance. I will come and support you.
- Great. Thanks.
Сторінка 35
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Squeeze some lemon into the tea, please.
2. We are having fish for dinner - salmon fillets.
3 Don't add any dill to these vegetables.
4 This mixture is made of oil, pepper and salt.
5. Let's grill the vegetables and the chicken.
6. The soup is very hot. We need to cool it down.
7 Adam would like to have some vinegar with his meat.
8. Add some springs of fresh oregano into the salad.
9. I asked Wendy to pour the water into the bottle.
10. Jake used a frying pan to fry his eggs this time.
2. а) Write about snacks and then share your notes with the class. A snack is something that you eat during breaks.
For example, fruits, crisps.
My favourite snacks are apples and bananas.
b) Listen to the recipe twice and fill in the gaps. WARM SNACK
To make this snack you need: 1/3 cup of vinegar, 1/3 cup of oil, teaspoon of dried oregano, half a teaspoon of salt, two carrots, one big cucumber,„four Italian sausages and one small lettuce. First, mix the oil, salt, vinegar and oregano with a whisk in a bowl. Second, the lettuce, cucumbers and carrots into small pieces and add them to the mixture you've just made. Leave it in the bowl for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the sausages into small pieces and boil them on a low heat. Finally, add the pieces of sausages into the_bowl and mix everything together with a spoon. Enjoy!
Сторінка 36
1. a) Complete the sentences, as in the example.
1. We chop food with a knife.
2. We biend a mixture in a blender.
3. We boil soup in a saucepan.
4. We mix a mixture with a whisk.
5. We fry eggs in a frying pan.
6. We add carrots to the salad.
7. We roast meat in an oven.
8. We bake a pie in an oven.
b) Write similar sentences about the kitchen utensils/gadgets from the box.
1. We use microwave to heat food.
2. We put in the fridge to keep them fresh.
3. We use toaster to toast bread.
4. We use plates to serve the food.
5. We use glass to drink water.
6. We use fork to eat.
7. We boil water in an electric kettle.
8. We chop vegetables on a chopping board.
2. Write about the ways in which we can cook the food below.
1. We can boil potatoes or soup.
2. We can chop salt and pepper.
3. We can fry chicken, vegetables or eggs.
4. We can chop tomatoes and cucumbers.
5. We can add a mixture of oil and spices.
6. We can stir pieces of chocolate with milk.
Сторінка 37
1. Work in two groups. The first group: think what is good/bad about cooking food yourself. The second group: think what is good/bad about ordering it. Make notes and compare your ideas.
First group. Cooking food yourself:
- takes much time;
+ healthier than in fast food;
Second group. Ordering food:
+ quick
- doesn't know if it will be tasty.
2. Work in pairs. Interview your partner about cooking in his/her life. Make notes. Then tell the class about him/her. Ask:
- How often do you cook?
- I cook almost every day.
- Do you like it? Why (not)?
- Yes, it is very entertaining to cook something.
- What dishes can you make?
- I can make toasts, fry eggs and make tea.
- How often do you order food?
- We order food once a week.
- Do you prefer cooking or ordering food? Why?
- It depends on situation. But I prefer better cookin something than ordering.
Сторінка 38
1. Listen to Rick and fill in the blanks.
Rick's opinion on cooking: you need to love cooking in order to make delicious food;
Reasons he doesn't like it: takes a lot of time and always dirty;
Who always cooks in his family: father makes all the meals;
Who sometimes cooks in his family: mother cooks on this weekend;
Who helps with cooking: Rick helps with cooking.
2. Write a short paragraph about cooking in your life. Include:
I like cooking a lot. And all members of my family like it also. It is a good thing when you have a good mood and your dishes will be very tasty. I cook not very often myself but I always help my parents while they are cooking. Both my mother and father cook very tasty dishes. We like to eat tasty food.
Сторінка 39
1. Circle the correct word.
1. Put the cola into the fridge.
2. Let the water boil in the saucepan first.
3. Wear an apron not get dirty.
4. Jade, serve the tea in the tea pot, please.
5. Ed wants to bake a cake for Ann's birthday.
6. I always blend chocolate and milk in a blender.
7. We used the chopping board to chop the carrots.
8. Don't forget to add some vinegar to the mixture, Sam.
2. a) Look at the 'Words for You' boxes on pages 46 and 51 in your SB and unscramble the words.
1-device; 2-consider; 3-utensil; 4-Bangladesh; 5-wonder; 6-material; 7-promote; 8-carve.
b) Make your own sentences with the words above.
1. You can use all devices you see at the kitchen.
2. How do you consider my company?
3. I would like to buy some new kitchen utensils to update the kitchen.
4. Have you ever tried food from Bangladesh.
5. I wonder how will you behave in this situation.
6. I need to buy different material for my sister.
7. Will you promote your colleagues to come tomorrow for meeting?
8. My father can carve food very good.
Сторінка 40
3. Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1. There is a salmon fillet with vegetables near the boy.
2. There is an oregano on the corner of the table.
3. The boy is squeezing lemon.
4. The girl is making tea.
5. The soup is boiling.
6. There are such items as plates, a toaster, a microwave oven, a kettle and a saucepan.
4. a) Listen to the audio and complete the list of the ingredients on p.
2 eggs;
1/4 cup of flour;
2 chicken fillets;
1 teaspoon of salt;
1 teaspoon of pepper;
2 tablespoons of melted butter;
3 tablespoons of olive oil;
half a lemon.
b) Read the recipe and put the instructions into the correct order. Then listen to the audio again and check your answers.
6 - Put them immediately into the frying pan and pour some melted butter over them. Squeeze the lemon on them, too.
2 - Stir the eggs with a whisk in a bowl. Add the salt and pepper to them and stir everything again.
8 - Serve and enjoy!
4 - Make sure a frying pan is hot enough and brush it with olive oil.
7 - Turn over the meat and fry everything for 20 minutes.
1 - Cut both of the fillets into two pieces on a chopping board.
5 - One by one, put the pieces of chicken into the bowl with the eggs and then into the bowl with the flour.
3 - Put the flour in another bowl.
Сторінка 41
5. Work in pairs. Think of a recipe that you know and tell your partner about it.
Ingredients: 2 eggs; milk; flour; salt.
Put eggs into the bowl and stir it with a whisk.
Add milk and flour, then stir it again.
Add salt to your taste.
Put everything into the frying pan and wait two minutes.
Omelet is ready.

iconГДЗ 7 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит Лібра Терра НУШ 2024 Карпюк
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