ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024
8e Get active!
Сторінка 981. A. Read the examples below. What's the difference between useful and useless?
Useful is something necessary or something you can take goods for you from. And useless is something unnecessary.
B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. Eating junk food every day is harmful to your health.
2. I was in London and I couldn't speak English. I felt helpless.
3. Tony is a very careless driver. He's had many accidents.
4. Zhan Beleniuk is a very successful Ukranian wrestler.
5. Don't be afraid of the dog. It's harmless.
6. Alice was very helpful. Thanks to her I finished my project on time.
7. Be careful not to get hurt when you do karate.
8. I'm hopeless at snowboarding and fall over all the time.
2. A. Listen to three people talking about activities that they took part in and match the people with the statements а-d. There is one extra statement.
1. Mark - c. I tried this activity because I wanted to do something exciting.
2. Pete - d. Taking part in this activity has helped me stay in shape.
3. Danny - a. I'm into this activity because it's the perfect way to see new places.
B. Listen again and match the people with their feelings a-c.
1. Mark - c. disappointed.
2. Pete - b. annoyed.
3. Danny - a. nervous.
3. В. Read the essay and compare the ideas to your answers. Then answer the questions.
1. Does the writer state his/her opinion in the first paragraph? Yes he/she is.
2. What is the purpose of the second and third paragraphs? The purpose of the second and third paragraphs is to talk about advantages and disadvantages.
3. Which words/phrases does the writer use to list/add points? Underline them. To begin with, what is more, on the other hand, firstly, in addition, for example.
4. In which paragraph does the writer state his/her general opinion? In the last one.
5. Which words/phrases does he/she use to state this opinion? Underline them. Personally, I believe.
6. Does the writer write in a formal or in an informal style? Formal.
Сторінка 99
3. D. The phrases in bold are written in an informal style. Rewrite them in a formal style.
1. What is more.
2. However.
3. To sum up.
E. Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of working out at a gym. Follow the plan in the Writing section at the back of the book.
Working out at the gym has both pros and cons. One advantage is having access to a variety of equipment for different workouts. You can also get advice from trainers and join group classes. However, gym memberships can be expensive. Sometimes, gyms are crowded, which can be annoying. Additionally, you need to spend time traveling to the gym.