ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon228, icon0

2 Round-up
Сторінка 104
A. Match.
1. make - c. a video call.
2. hand in - a. an essay.
3. turn - e. off my tablet.
4. be - d. in trouble.
5. set - f. the time.
6. look forward - b. to your reply.
В. Circle the correct words.
1. There's only 12% battery left on my tablet, so I need to charge it.
2. Click on this link and it will take you to the school's website.
3. My younger brother knocked over the TV, and it broke.
4. I want to watch films on my laptop, so I need to get one with a bigger screen.
5. Can you help me find online videos about sea turtles? I need to download some for my presentation.
6. The website asked me to enter my password, but I can't remember it.
7. I cut my hand by accident, and it started bleeding.
8. Did you inform your teacher about what happened?
C. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: Last summer, my family and I travelled around Italy.
B: Did you have fun?
A: Yes, it was wonderful.
2. Mandy didn't study, so she didn't do well in the history test.
3. A: How long did the flight last?
B: Two hours. I slept the whole time.
4. Last night, I tried to finish my project, but I couldn't.
D. Circle the correct words.
1. While Tony was trying to take a photo, he dropped the camera.
2. Sandra has a test tomorrow morning, so she shouldn't go to bed late.
3. The Wi-Fi isn't working again. We should call the technician.
4. While I was living in London, we used to go to the cinema every Friday.
5. Don't worry. We weren't sleeping when you called last night.
6. I spilt my orange juice while I was walking across the living room.
Сторінка 105
E. Complete the sentences below. Use used to and the verbs in the box.
1. When Robert was young, his parents didn't use to allow him to stay out late.
2. When Tina was five, she used to watch cartoons every afternoon.
3. Alice didn't use to speak English well, but now she can.
4. We didn't use to live so near my school. We moved closer six months ago.
5. My brothers used to do karate, but now they play football in their free time.
6. Geography used to be my favourite school subject.
7. My grandfather used to ride a bicycle everywhere, but now he uses his car.
F. Choose a or b.
1. A: I passed all my exams!
B: a. I'm so glad to hear that.
2. A: I learnt how to download apps on my phone.
B: b. Big deal!
3. A: Guess what! My dad got me a smartphone.
B: b. Are you kidding?
4. A: I sprained my ankle in PE today.
B: a. Poor you!
5. A: I spilt my coffee all over the photos I had on my desk.
B: b. How awful!

iconГДЗ Підручник Англійська мова 7 клас 2024 Мітчелл Малкогіанні НУШ Лінгвіст
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