ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon228, icon0

3 Round-up
Сторінка 106
A. Match.
1. fishing - f. gear.
2. cherry - a. blossom.
3. stone - e. wall.
4. travel - d. agency.
5. insect - c. repellent.
6. wild - b. animal.
В. Circle the correct words.
1. The boys set off at 9 a.m. and arrived at the campsite an hour later.
2. The cottage is only a ten-minute walk from the sea.
3. The farmer painted the fence in front of the barn.
4. Italy is a very popular tourist destination.
5. Does the cost of the tour include meals?
6. This hotel is very convenient because it's near the airport.
7. The children were very tired and fell asleep quickly.
8. Our flight leaves at ten o'clock so we need to be at the airport by 9 a.m.
9. When we went on a working holiday, we stayed in a cottage.
10. When we checked into the hotel, the receptionist gave us our key.
C. Complete the sentences. Use the Future be going to and the verbs in the box.
1. A: in the countryside this weekend?
B: Yes, we are going to go to a lake in the mountains. There is a beautiful area near the lake and we are going to put up our tent there.
2. My parents are going to visit Rome for the first time this summer. They are going to stay in a hotel in the city centre. They are going to see the sights and they are going to try the local food.
3. I haven't got much money, I'm not going to buy any souvenirs this time.
D. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: Have you ever visited Italy?
B: Yes, I spent my summer in Rome last year.
2. A: How long have you lived in this house?
B: We moved here five months ago. We have been here since June.
3. John took part in a photography competition yesterday.
He has taken part in many competitions before, but he hasn't won any so far.
Сторінка 107
E. Circle the correct options and add commas where necessary.
1. The holiday resort where we stayed was very nice.
2. My uncle, who has just bought a cottage in the countryside, invited me to visit him there.
3. The Mexican restaurant, which is near my home, has got great food.
4. Do you know the girl who is talking to Cathy?
5. My grandparents' farm, which is in the north of the country, is very big.
6. This is the area where they are going to build a new hotel.
7. My cousin Anna, who is a doctor, works at the hospital on Green Street.
8. The mug, which is on the table, is mine.
F. Match.
1. What do you think of this campsite? - e. It's something else!
2. How are you going to travel? - d. By train.
3. Can you do me a favour? - c. No problem!
4. How was the tower? - a. It was nothing special.
5. What are you up to? - b. I'm getting ready to go hiking.

iconГДЗ Підручник Англійська мова 7 клас 2024 Мітчелл Малкогіанні НУШ Лінгвіст
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