ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024
8 Round-up
Сторінка 116A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. My personal trainer teaches me how to do exercises correctly.
2. Make sure you show up for the meeting this afternoon because Mr Gardner will be upset if you're not there.
3. An advantage of going to the gym is that there is equipment there that you don't have at home.
4. You won't burn off many calories if you sit there and watch TV all day.
5. In the interview, they asked the winner about his coach and how his coach had helped him.
6. By working hard, being polite and listening to others, Molly soon got the respect of her colleagues.
7. You should try to do some kind of physical activity every day.
8. When people try snowboarding for the first time, they often fall over.
В. Circle the correct words.
1. You should be more active and not waste your time playing computer games all day.
2. I can't stand it when there are too many remote controls on TV!
3. A lot of people do water sports in the summer.
4. It is essential that we finish this project today.
5. I tried to persuade him to be more careful, but it was useless.
6. Apart from John, everyone else is going to Tim's party on Saturday.
7. My older sister never shares her clothes with me. She's so selfish!
8. The hike was cancelled because of the rain.
9. I can't come to the park right now. I'm watching an episode of my favourite TV show. 10. It didn't cross my mind that Steve might be at Pete's house.
C. Complete the sentences using Reported Speech.
1. 'We're going to the beach tomorrow/ said Jane.
Jane said they were going to the beach tomorrow.
2. 'Ms Andrews will arrive at 7 p.m. today/ said the receptionist.
The receptionist said Ms Andrews would arrive at 7 p.m. today
3. 'We must leave by six o'clock or there will be lots of traffic,' Paul told us.
Paul told us we must left by six o'clock or there would be lots of traffic
4. 'Bill has finished his homework,' the teacher said.
The teacher said Bill had finished his homework.
5. 'I may go to the beach next week,' Claudia said.
Claudia said she might go to the beach next week.
Сторінка 117
D. Circle the correct words.
1. Rita asked Mary which festival she wanted to go to.
2. Irene said the team had won the game.
3. John said he must work the previous weekend.
4. My coach told me to run faster.
5. Stan asked me what I thought of his new car.
6. Carl wanted to know where they would go the following week.
7. Nancy said she had seen Anna today.
8. Brendan told me that he would buy a new tablet next day.
E. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech and the verbs given,
1. What time do you want to meet this evening?' Tina asked Sheila. Tina wanted to know what time Sheila wanted to meet this evening.
2. 'Tidy your room,' Mum said to Tom.
Mum told Tom to tidy his room.
3. 'Do you go to the gym near the park?' William asked Ryan.
William asked Ryan if he went to the gym near the park.
4. 'Don't touch any of the paintings in the museum,' the teacher told the students.
The teacher told the students to not touch any of the paintings in the museum.
5. 'Can I borrow your bike tomorrow?'Julie asked her sister.
Julie asked her sister if she could borrow sister's bike tomorrow.
F. Match.
1. You won't believe who I met! c. Tell me everything! I'm all ears!
2. I'd like to know more about the art course you're doing, a. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know.
3. David wants us all to go skydiving next weekend, d. He's lost it! There's no way I'm doing that!
4. Let's forget about the museum and go to the beach, b. Now you're talking. I can be ready in ten minutes.