ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon228, icon0

7 Round-up
Сторінка 114
A. Match.
1. human - c. being.
2. fire - e. engine.
3. emergency - d. services.
4. elastic - a. bandage.
5. antiseptic - b. cream.
В. Circle the correct words,
1. When I travel abroad, I always try the local food of the country.
2. Dave didn't sleep well because he had a nightmare.
3. If we hurry, we won't be late.
4. The nurse tied the bandage to his arm.
5. Fortunately, I was only slightly injured after the car accidents. I had only a few scratches.
6. My mum is a nurse and works at a big hospital in the city centre.
7. Our flight had a two-hour delay because of the bad weather.
C. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more.
1. plaster - medicine - bandage - pill.
2. sprain - scratch - cut - fracture.
3. stomach ache - headache - cough - toothache - temperature.
D. Circle the correct words.
1. Mr Rogers needn't wait because the doctor is ready to see him now.
2. We can't go to the beach today. The weather is really bad.
3. We must be quiet in the library! Don't make any noise, please.
4. You don't have to get a taxi to the airport. I can give you a lift.
5. Rebecca had to go to the hospital last night because she had an accident.
6. You mustn't eat or drink on the bus.
E. Complete with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.
1. Millions of photos are posted on social media every day.
2. A lot of plastic was recycled by the students last year.
3. A writing competition is organised by our school every year.
4. The beach was cleaned by volunteers two months ago.
Сторінка 115
F. Complete with the Present Progressive Passive or the Past Progressive Passive of the verbs in brackets.
1. A lot of research is being done by experts on the forest at the moment.
2. While dinner was being cooked, Mum was talking on the phone.
3. When I got home from school, my bedroom was being painted by my dad.
4. Look! There is a fire on the second floor and the building is being evacuated by the fire brigade!
G. Complete the sentences with the or
1. I love watching films, but I hate going to the cinema.
2. The school is on Baker Street.
3. I always get up at seven o'clock in the morning to go to school.
4. Greg used to live in the Netherlands, but now he lives in Spain.
H. Match.
I. Can you come here, please? - c. Just a second, please.
2. I think I've got the flu. - b. Stay at home and drink lots of water.
3. Is that Mark over there? - e. I suppose so. I haven't seen him for ages.
4. I can't find the light switch. - a. Stay put! I'll shine the torch there.
5. What happened? - d. I banged my head.

iconГДЗ Підручник Англійська мова 7 клас 2024 Мітчелл Малкогіанні НУШ Лінгвіст
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