ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon228, icon0

4 Round-up
Сторінка 108
A. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more.
1. cartoon - wildlife documentary - science-fiction.
2. avatar - score - graphics - video game.
3. audition - role - lines - performance.
4. soundtrack - special effects - plot - director.
В. Circle the correct words.
1. I want to watch the cup final. Which channel is it on?
2. Jim is good at painting, so he can help us make the performance for the play.
3. Will doesn't want to be an actor because he gets stage fright.
4. Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world.
5. The film is based on a popular children's book.
6. It's a fantastic computer game! I recommend it to everyone.
7. I was very impressed by the play. I really enjoyed it!
8. I don't like soap operas, so I never watch them.
C. Circle the correct words
1. A: Is this your laptop, Liam?
B: Yes, it's mine, but it's got a problem. After a few minutes, it suddenly turns off by itself.
2. A: Did Philip enjoy himself at the school event last weekend?
B: Not really. None of his friends were there.
3. A: These are Emily's bracelets, right?
B: No, they aren't her. They're our bracelets. We made them ourselves yesterday.
D. Complete the sentences with adverbs. Use the adjectives in brackets to form adverbs.
1. Luke can speak French very well because his mother is from France.
2. Listen carefully to the teacher.
3. She can sing, but not as beautiful as her sister.
4. Kevin usually goes to bed late.
5. Harry isn't a good driver. He drives dangerously.
6. Ellen always works hard.
Сторінка 109
Е. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets.
1. The maths exam was more difficult than the history exam, so I got a bad mark.
2. This is the most interesting book I've ever read. You should read it too.
3. The green dress isn't as expensive as the blue one.
4. Today Greg woke up earlier than he usually does.
5. This film was more funny than the film we saw last week.
6. There are lots of good restaurants in our town, but I think that this one is the best of all.
F. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brockets,
1. We didn't feel like staying home, so we decided to go out with a friend.
2. I love to watch the series, but don't play the video I can't stand game.
3. We're looking forward to going to the beach this weekend. We usually spend most of our time swimming, but this weekend our parents are going to let us try windsurfing.
4. I must stop at the supermarket. I forgot to buy milk this morning.
G. Choose a or b.
1. A: Do you know anything about the new science-fiction film at the cinema?
В: I saw it last week. It's great! b. You shouldn't miss it for the world
2. A: I'm leaving now. I don't want to be late.
B: I'm almost ready, b. Hang on!
3. A: Let's go. Mark is waiting for us.
B: Sorry, Jim, I prefer to stay here. a. I've changed my mind.
4. A: Here's our clue.
B: What does it mean? a. I don't get it.

iconГДЗ Підручник Англійська мова 7 клас 2024 Мітчелл Малкогіанні НУШ Лінгвіст
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