ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д.] 2017

icon16.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon71 368, icon18

1a. Read about Serhiy Korolyov and complete the text with the words from the box.
Academician Serhiy Pavlovych Korolyov, the famous (1) scientist and designer of space-rocket systems, was born in the city of Zhytomyr in the family of teacher. From 1927 he worked in the aircraft (2) industry. In 1930, without leaving his job he (3) graduated from Moscow Bauman Higher Technical School and finished a flying school in Zhytomyr in the same year.
After a meeting with Tsiolkovsky and studying his ideas, Korolyov became a (4) space enthusiast. He was one of the (5) founders of modern space-rocket engineering.
In 1933, when the Group of Studying Jet Propulsion was organized, and the first experimental rockets were made and (6) tested, Korolyov devoted himself to (7) developing space-rocket engineering...
He controlled the spaceships, in which man first flew into (8) rocket and from which he walked out into space.
Korolyov trained many scientists and engineers who are now leading the work in (9) research institutes and design offices which specialize in the sphere of space-rocket (10) engineering.
2. Complete the following sentences with the right form of the present simple passive (positive or negative) of the verbs in the box.
1. Steam locomotives were used in the past, but they are used today.
2. A lot of experiments are done in Chemistry classes.
3. Science subjects are found to be difficult to understand by many students.
4. Old and precious things are kept and looked after in a museum.
5. "Science Night" is organized for children and their parents when they are invited to spend an evening doing fun science-based activities and then spend the night in the museum among the exhibits.
6. Some amazing inventions and discoveries are considered at the Science Museum.
3a. Do the quiz and find out how much you know about inventions and inventors.
1 b) Albert Einstein. 2 a) Neil Armstrong. 3 a) 1839. 4 a) Marie Curie. 5 b) 1926. 6 a) James Watt. 7 b) the Romans. 8 a) Robert Goddart in 1926.
4. Make right sentences.
1) The first computer was developed in 1848 in Britain.
2) The first telescope was made in 1608 in Holland.
3) The first skyscrapers were built in 1884 in Chicago.
4) Some laws on volume were discovered by Archimedes.
5) The thermometer was invented in 1714.
6) The first bridge was constructed in the city of Babylon in 2 200 BC.
7) An aesthetics was used in surgery for the first time in 1847.
5. Read about the Science Museum and find out:
1) In the museums are displayed steam engines, locomotives, full-sized airplanes and helicopters, cars, space shuttles and computers.
2) You can see the story of men’s discoveries and scientific achievements chronologically.
3) The museum is special because of many interactive exhibits.
6. Match the words with their definitions.
1. Remarkable — amazing, worth remembering.
2. To fasten — to make something fix.
3. Humanity — human beings in general.
4. An achievements — something important or successful that you have done.
5. An exhibit — something that is shown especially in a museum.
6. A theme park — an amusement park based on a single subject.
7b) Complete the texts (1-4) with the names of the corresponding inventions and discoveries from Task (a).
1. The structure of DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) was deciphered in 1953, by Francis Crick and James Watson.
2. The television set was invented by a Scottish inventor John Logie Baird in 1926, and it was first demonstrated in Selfridges, a department store in London.
3. The first personal computer that was made for individual use called Apple II...
4. The words first practical four wheeled the automobile that was powered by a gasoline engine was designed and built in 1885 by Karl Benz.
8. Say if the following sentences are true or false.
1. F: the structure of DNA was discovered in 1953.
2. F: the television set was first demonstrated in a department store in London.
3. F: the first personal computer was launched by Apple.
4. T.
9. Complete the following sentences with the past simple passive of the verbs in brackets.
1. The first TV remote controls were used in the 1950s in the USA. One of the early models was developed in 1952, and it was called "Lazy Bones".
2. In 1996 a sheep called ‘Dolly’ was cloned by British scientists from a single cell that was taken from a six-year-old female sheep.
3. Clothes were hand-washed by rubbing the clothing with rocks in a river or by using a wash-board before the invention of the washing machine.
4. The first affordable cars were produced by Henri Ford.
5. Text messages were used in the USA in the mid 2000s.
6. The Internet began in 1969 as the Arpanet data network which was established by the US Department of Defense and was supposed to link computer networks at several universities and research laboratories in the United States.

iconГДЗ 9 клас Англійська мова Підручник Либра Терра 2017 Карпюк
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icon 12.05.2019

1 a) Відгадайте назви цих українських міст.
1. Символом міста є знамениті Потьомкінські сходи на Приморському бульварі.
Відомі сходи в Одесі.
2. Це курорт, який відомий своєю лікувальною водою «Нафтуся».
Найвідоміша мінеральна вода Трускавця.
3. Місто розташоване на правому березі Десни, приблизно в 150 км від Києва і є одним з найстаріших міст України.
4. У цьому місті Івано-Франківської області є музей Писанка, єдиний у світі музей, в якому експонуються твори писанської живопису.
В місті Коломия.
5. Це місто і районний центр Закарпатської області, відомий своєю чарівною фортецею Паланок 14-17 століть.
Замок у закарпатському місті Мукачево.
6. Хортиця - історико-культурний заповідник, що знаходиться в цьому місті.
Острів Хортиця в місті Запоріжжі.
7. Це місто в Черкаській області, де є унікальний парк, побудований бельгійським інженером Л. Метлецем на прохання графа С. Потоцького і названий на честь дружини Софії.
Знаменитий парк «Софіївка» в Умані.

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Саша, добавив.

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Ангеліна, Яна,
Оригінальний текст і переклад.

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