ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.] 2017

icon15.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon45 947, icon0

Text 6. Is Television Useful or Harmful for Kids?
1. Answer the questions.
1) Yes, I do. I like watching TV very much.
2) Yes, I do. I think it is very useful and necessary for me because I like to relax and watch my favourite TV programmes.
3) Watching TV has some advantages television is an easy and cheap source of entertainment. By watching international news, we are kept informed and up-to-date with breaking news around the world. The disadvantages of watching TV that when we watch too much of TV shows, our eyes get tired. Many Television shows are considered indecent for kids and children. We often compromise our sleeping hours to watch our favorite TV serial. Television can ruin your relationships. If you are watching television instead of communicating with your loved one, this is a problem.
2. Match words and phrases (1–8) with their definitions (a–h).
3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1) harmful;
2) suspect; array;
3) violence;
4) to acknowledge;
5) addictive;
6) behaviour;
7) acknowledge; get rid of;
8) wholesome.
6Choose the correct item to complete the sentences.
7. Complete the statement.
8. Number the events in order they happen in the story.
9. Read and say if the statements are true, false or not given in the text.
1 F;
2 F;
3 F;
4 T;
5 F;
6 T;
7 F;
8 T.
10. Prove that watching television can be addictive sometimes.
(suggested discussion)
I am sure that watching television can be addictive because first of all, takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. And it‘s very harmful for our health, expetially eyes. Some violent programmes and films make people violent. Violence become a vital problem. There is too much advertisement on TV that sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don't need at all. Watching TV takes all free time from almost all people. We just watch it, not concentrate, and waste time.
11. Complete the sentences given below.
1) babies younger than two years old view TV as a confusing array of colours, images and noises.
2) watching this type of programming increases the risk of aggressive behavior and desensitizes children and teenagers to violence.
3) children and teenagers who watch a lot of television are at risk for poor social development and aggressive behavior.
4) hildren watching television are less cooperative, less imaginative, less enthusiastic about learning and less happy than those watched little or no TV.

iconГДЗ Підручник Англійська мова 9 клас Несвіт Генеза 2017
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