ГДЗ ДПА 9 клас. Англійська мова [Марченко А.О., Лесишин Н.Л.] 2019
7 477,
READINGRead the text and mark If the statements are T (True) or F (False) as in the example.
True – 1 People kill crocodiles for their beautiful skin.
True – 2 Crocodiles are protected by law.
False – 3 Some crocodiles live safely on farms.
False – 4 Crocodiles have enough land near swamps and rivers to live in.
True – 5 Crocodiles are afraid of people.
False – 6 Crocodiles don’t kill the farm animals.
Mark the correct variant (А-D) to fill In the blanks (1-6) as In the example.
A is
В are
C to be
(D) is a
A are
(В) is
C were
D is being
(A) has broken
В have broken
C was broken
D were broken
A have bought
В have been bought
(C) has bought
D have been buying
(A) is
В are
C is being
D were
A is
В have been
C was
(D) were
Marie the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (7-12) as in the example.
A space
В thing
(C) place
D ground
A way
В room
C stuff
(D) thing
A good
(В) incredible
C messy
D entertaining
A rather
В much
(C) quite
D a lot
(A) view
В look
C feature
D vision
A visit
В come
C ready
(D) welcome
A teen magazine is running a competition about adults who inspire us. Write an article about the adult family member you admire (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:
• who the person you admire is;
• what kind of person he/she is;
• what you admire about him / her.
Є одна людина, про яку мені хотілося б розповісти. Це моя старша сестра Наталя. Я дуже захоплююся нею і хотіла б бути схожою на неї.
Вона дуже оптимістична людина: як не склалася б ситуація, Наталя завжди усміхається. Вона завжди готова допомогти. Наталя дуже наполеглива, сповнена ентузіазму й працелюбна. Водночас моя сестра — чудова дружина й турботлива мати двох дітей. Вона завжди намагається проводити багато часу із сім’єю.
Я хотіла б бути такою ж людиною, як моя сестра. Було б чудово мати такі ж позитивні риси характеру, які притаманні їй.
There is one person I’d like to tell you some words about. This is my elder sister Natalia. I admire her and would like to resemble her.
She’s a very optimistic person: whatever the situation is, she always keeps smiling. Natalia is also very helpful. She is very persistent, enthusiastic and hardworking. At the same time, my sister is a wonderful wife and a caring mother of two kids. She always tries to spend much time with her family.
I wish I could be the same person as my sister is. I’d like to have the most positive traits of character she possesses.
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