ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Губарєва С. С., Павліченко О. М.] 2020
Lesson 9. STORY TIME
1. Listen and readHi, Olenka! Guess what!
You know, our flat is very small. So… we are moving to a new house! I am very happy!
There is a nice hall.
There is a kitchen and a dining room in the house.
There is a big living room.
There are four bedrooms. And I can have my own bedroom! Here it is!
There is also a big bathroom!
I think that everything is super! How many rooms are there in your flat, Olenka?
2. Listen, repeat and point.
Mother: Bill, I am making a cake. Can you help me?
Bill: Sorry, Mum. I am busy. I am watching a film.
Father: Bill, I am cleaning your room. Can you help me?
Bill: Sorry, Dad. I am talking to my friend.
Mary: Bill! I am decorating the Christmas tree. Can you give me that star?
Bill: Sorry, Mary, I cannot. I am going for a walk.
Mother: The cake is ready. This is for you, Dad.
Dad: Thank you. Mmmm...
Mother: This is for you, Mary.
Mary: Thanks Mum.
Bill: And for me?
Mother: Sorry, Bill. I am busy. I am cooking Christmas dinner.
Bill: Oh!