ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Губарєва С. С., Павліченко О. М.] 2020

icon20.03.2021, icon3 Клас / Англійська мова, icon61 527, icon0

Lessons 3-4. MY BEDROOM
1. Listen, read and point.
Hi, Mary! I like your new house very much! And here is a photo of my bedroom. It’s very nice! There is a big bed. There is a desk and a chair. There is a computer on the desk. There is a big wardrobe.
I put my clothes there. There is a big bookcase.
There are many books in it. There are two pictures on the wall. There is a clock on the wall. There is a violet carpet in my bedroom. Do you like it?
2. Read and choose.
1) Olenka (likes) / doesn’t like her bedroom.
2) Olenka’s bed is small / (big).
3) Olenka puts her clothes into the (wardrobe) / bookcase.
4) There are two pictures / (many books in the bookcase).
3. Write the words in your exercise book.
1) Chair
2) Bookcase
3) Wardrobe
4) Carpet
5) Desk
6) Computer
4. What is there in Bill’s bedroom? Listen and point.
Bill: Hi, Jill!
Jill: Hello, Bill! Are you moving to a new house?
Bill: Yes, I can have my own bedroom now.
Jill: Cool! Do you like your room?
Bill: Yes, I do. There is a bed, a big desk and a chair in it.
Jill: Is there a computer?
Bill: No, there isn’t a computer, but there is a big bookcase with books in it.
Jill: Is there a wardrobe in your room?
Bill: No, there isn’t a wardrobe and there isn’t a carpet in my room. But there is my bike!
4. What is there in Bill’s bedroom? Listen and point.
There is a bed, a big desk and a chair in it.
There is a big bookcase with books in it.
5. Choose and say. Copy the sentences into your exercise book.
1) There (is) / are a bookcase in the bedroom.
2) There is / (are) many books in the bookcase.
3) There is / (are) a carpet in the bedroom.
4) There is / (are) a clock on the wall.
5) There (is) / are three chairs in the room
6. Compare two pictures and say.
There is one shelf in picture B. There are two shelves in picture A.
Picture B has one cabinet. Picture A has one cabinet.
Picture B has a shelf with books. Picture A has a shelf with toys.
Picture B has a clock. Picture A has a shelf with books.
There is no computer in Figure B. Picture A has a computer.
Picture B has a blue chair. In Picture A, the chair is red.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас 2020 Ранок Підручник Губарєва Павліченко
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