ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2022

icon08.12.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 843, icon0

Unit 3. My home.
Сторінка 14
1. Label the pictures as in the example.
1. bedroom; 2. living room; 3. toilet; 4. kitchen; 5. bathroom; 6. dining room.
2. Complete the word web (павутину) about your home.
My home: 1. bedroom: bed, wardrobe, lamp;
2. living room: sofa, TV - set, arm - chair;
3. kitchen: table, kettle, chairs;
4. bathroom: bath, shower, sink.
Сторінка 15
3. Tick the correct sentences.
1. A) There are three pictures in my bedroom.
2. A) There is a big table in the dining room.
3. B) There are four people in the living room.
4. B) There are seven books and a bag on the floor.
5. A) There's a girl in the bedroom.
6. A) There are six rooms in Rosa's house.
7. A) There are two windows in the living room.
8. B) There's a boy in the bath.
4. Fill in the blanks with There's / There are.
1. There are blue walls in the living room.
2. There is a door in the toilet.
3. There is a big bed in the bedroom.
4. There are two windows in the kitchen.
5. There is a shower in the bathroom.
6. There is one bag on the table.
7. There is a coat in the living room.
8. There are two pencil cases on the floor.
Сторінка 16
5. Fill in the blanks. Use the picture.
1. There are two windows in the Living room.
2. There are many pictures on the wall.
3. There's a chair in the Living room.
4. There's a guitar on the chair.
5. There are many books in the bookshelf.
6. There is a sofa in the Living room.
7. There's a small table in the living room.
6. Tick and write what is in your room.
bookcase, table, chair, television, clothes, sofa, toys, bed.
There is a sofa, a bad, a bookcase, a chair and a table in my room.
There are also clothes and toys in my room.
Сторінка 17
7. Fill in the blanks. Use the picture.
I love my house. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a large bathroom in here. This is my room. It's got blue walls and a brown floor. There's a big (1) bed where I like to sleep. I've got lots of books. They're in the (2) bookshelf. I've got pictures on the (3) wall. There are also lots of toys in my room. My brother's robot is on the (4) floor. My Little brother often plays with me in my (5) room.
8. Write 4 - 5 sentences about your room. You can use the following words.
In my room I have got a bed and an arm chair. I have got a postcard on the wall. There is a computer on the desk in my room. I have got a lot of toys in my room.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Зошит Робочий зошит 2022 Косован Вітушинська Підручники і посібники Англійська мова
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