ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2022

icon08.12.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 843, icon0

Unit 20. Animals.
1. a) Do the crossword 'Wild Animals'.
1. crocodile; 2. snake; 3. monkey; 4. bear; 5. kangaroo; 6. elephant; 7. tiger; 8. zebra; 9. giraffe; 10. leopard.
b) Match the names of the animals from ex. la with the pictures.
10 - 4 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 9
Сторінка 92
2. Fill the table. Use the following verbs in the Past Simple.
y = led
Wanted, asked, played, answered, walked, worked
Liked, danced, practiced, invited, lived, smiled
Carried, fried, tidied, cried, studied, tried,
3. Underline the mistakes and write the sentences correctly. Use the Past Simple.
1. I play football last weekend. - I played football last weekend.
2. I really enjoied my last school trip. - I really enjoyed my last school trip.
3. We listen to music yesterday. - We listened to music yesterday.
4. Jane cooks a tasty breakfast last morning. - Jane cooked a tasty breakfast last morning.
5. He watches that film last Friday. - He watched that film last Friday.
6. My parents phone me yesterday. - My parents phoned me yesterday.
7. We visit that safari park last Sunday. - We visited that Safari park last Sunday.
Сторінка 93
4. Write sentences as in the example.
1. Birds are pets.
2. Donkeys are farm animals.
3. Cats are pets.
4. Cows are farm animals.
5. Dogs are pets.
6. Rabbits are farm animals.
7. Mice are farm animals.
8. Sheep are farm animals.
5. Write the sentences in the Past Simple as in the example.
1. Zara lives in a village.
Zara lived in a village.
Zara didn't live in a village.
2. She asks for a pet.
She asked for a pet.
She didn't ask for a pet.
3. Zara's friends want fish.
Zara's friends wanted fish.
Zara's friends didn't want fish.
4. They talk about farm animals.
They talked about farm animals.
They didn't talk about farm animals.
Сторінка 94
6. Write the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.
Yesterday at school we (1) watched a film about ancient Greece. When it was (2) finished, we (3) listened to our teacher. The story (4) was really interesting! Everybody in the class (5) worked hard, and I (6) loved the lesson. After school, I (7) played basketball with my friends. At home, my mother (8) cooked dinner. Then my brother Bob and I (9) washed our father's car. Well, I started to wash it, but Bob (10) did not want to help. I (11) hated that! In the evening I (12) did not play computer games because I was too tired.
7. Write 6 - 8 sentences about what you did yesterday. Use the Past Simple.
Yesterday I was at school. I had six lessons. After school I went to my football training. It was very difficult but interesting. I came home tired. I had a rest and did my lessons. In the evening I watched TV with my parents and went to bed.
Сторінка 95
Life Skills. Deciding Things Together.
1. Read (PB, p.120, ex. 2) and mark if the sentences are true or false.
1. Clare likes films about magic. - True.
2. Clare doesn't like films about superheroes. - True.
3. Tom likes films about aliens. - False.
4. Tom doesn't like films about explorers. - True.
5. Beth likes films about wizards. - True.
6. Beth doesn't like films about animals. - True.
7. Planet Aliens is very funny. - True.
8. Wizard Academy 3 is about life on different planets. - False.
9. Looking for Gold is full of magic. - False.
2. Write answers.
1. I like adventure films.
2. I don't like horror films.
3. I like meat and fish.
4. I don't like porridge.
5. I like dogs.
6. I don't like cats.
7. I like English.
8. I don't like biology.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Зошит Робочий зошит 2022 Косован Вітушинська Підручники і посібники Англійська мова
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