ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2022

icon08.12.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 843, icon0

Unit 5. What can you do?
Сторінка 23
1. a) Match the parts of the phrases.
1 - E. cook pasta; 2 - C. play the guitar; 3 - A. ride a new bike; 4 - H. sing favourite songs; 5 - F. remember English words; 6 - D. swim in the sea; 7 - B. speak Ukrainian; 8 - G. paint a picture.
b) Write 5 sentences. Use any of the phrases from ex. la and can.
1. I can play the guitar very good.
2. My mother can cook pasta very tasty.
3. I can remember English words.
4. My brother can swim in the sea.
5. I can speak Ukrainian fluently.
2. Complete the word web about what you can and can't do.
I can speak Ukrainian swim in the sea cook pizza read in English play football
I can't speak Italian swim underwater cook borsch play rugby play guitar
Сторінка 24
3. Write sentences as in the example.
1. Nick can play football. He can't ride a horse.
2. My father can't cook. He can play the guitar.
3. I can't remember names. I can speak Chinese.
4. My mother can read English books. She can't swim underwater.
5. Bill can sail a boat. He can't ice skate.
4. Write questions and short answers as in the example.
1. Can she sing this song? - No, she can't.
2. Can he send an email? - Yes, he can.
3. Can they climb a tree? - No, they can't.
4. Can you ride a horse? - Yes, I can.
5. Can we ride a bike? - No, we can't.
6. Can I ice skate? - Yes, I can.
Сторінка 25
5. Label the parts of the body.
1. hair; 2. face; 3. eye; 4. teeth; 5. nose; 6. arm; 7. foot; 8. knee; 9. hand; 10. mouth; 11. ear; 12. head.
6. Read (PB, p. 36, ex. 4) and fill in the blanks.
1. Rubberboy isn't a real name.
2. Daniel Browning Smith comes from the USA.
3. Daniel can stand on his hands.
4. He can also put his feet behind his head.
5. Daniel is famous for the things he can do with his body.
6. Daniel can get into a very small box.
7. You can read about Daniel in a book called Guiness World Records.
Сторінка 26
7. Circle the correct variant.
1. I can walk on my hands.
2. He can put his feet behind his head.
3. I can't see any posters on the wall.
4. I dream to sleep one night under the stars.
5. Can you see anybody behind Mark?
6. I can't find the ruler in the pencil case.
7. I see a small cat under the chair.
8. Can you put your toes in your mouth?
8. Circle the correct variant.
1 - B; 2 - B; 3 - C; 4 - C; 5 - A; 6 - B; 7 - A; 8 - C.
1. My friends are (B) in the park.
2. I can't find my shoe. - It's (B) behind the door.
3. I've got a short ruler (C) in my bag.
4. There are pictures (C) on the walls.
5. He has got a jacket (A) under his coat.
6. Who is that girl standing (B) behind Juan?
7. There are some books (A) on the shelf.
8. He can swim (C) under the water.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Зошит Робочий зошит 2022 Косован Вітушинська Підручники і посібники Англійська мова
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