ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Підручник [Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.] 2018

icon09.09.2018, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 525, icon0

Ex. 2 p. 148
Once a week - music; twice a week PE; four times a week - French lessons.
Ex. 3 p. 152
1. My deskmate said that time flew at the English lesson.
2. My mother said that all things were difficult before they were easy.
3. Steve said that he liked PE much better.
4. Helen said that she were a member of the dancing group.
5. Steve said that he could send you e-mail messages from time to time.
6. Ann said that she studied French at school.
Ex. 4 p. 153
1. I have a good head for languages.
2. I like to role-play dialogues at my English lessons.
3. I sometimes have iny English lessons in the computer lab.
4. I can type a message in English.
5. I like to communicate with my English teacher a lot.
Ex. 2 p. 155
1. I can communicate with my classmates in English.
2. My teacher of English is a very sociable person.
3. She helps us to develop our speaking and writing skills.
4. We often role-play dialogues.
5. Frankly speaking, I felt uneasy because French sounds so different.
Ex. 3 p. 155
To read fairy tales, to play language games, to write personal letters and greeting cards, to type messages, to sing English songs, to send messages, to role-play dialogues, to learn English.
Ex. 3(a) p. 158
1. some;
2. some;
3. any;
4. no one;
5. something.
Ex. 3(b) p. 158
Dear friends,
I haven’t heard from you for some time. I hope nothing wrong has happened, you are just too busy. I have something to tell you: I am going to do some travelling soon. I am going to come to Ukraine and stay for several days there. Perhaps we will do something special together. Have you got any travelling plans? Write to me soon. Steve
Ex. 2 p. 161
1. designer;
2. photographer;
3. illustrator;
4. project maker.
Ex. 3 p. 161
1. Since Helen is very good at drawing, she can draw some funny pictures.
2. She likes cartoons much better than illustrations.
3. Steve has a good head for information and computer technologies.
4. He can use the scanner and do the design.
5. The children’s ICT teacher can help to print out the whole page in colour.
6. It’s going to be a nice project.
Ex. 2 p. 166
1. staff;
2. stuff;
3. staff;
4. staff;
5. stuff.
Ex. 1 p. 168
1. Steve said that at the click of the mouse he could get any information from the Internet in class and out of class.
2. Ann said that she could already understand something in English.
3. Helen said that she wanted to do some information search in the Internet.
4. Steve said that they were not experienced computer users yet.
5. Ann said that if she could do it, he could do it, too.
Ex. 2 p. 168
1. a;
2. in;
3. before;
4. at;
5. in.
Ex. 3 p. 169
1. с;
2. a;
3. e;
4. b;
5. d.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Підручник Калініна Самойлюкевич Генеза 2018
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