ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Несвіт А.] 2018

icon07.10.2018, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon6 681, icon0

Сторінка 59 Ex.1
Tom is going to take his rubber boots and raincoat because the weather will be rainy at the Weekend. Tom is going to take his cap because the weather will be sunny at the weekend. Tom is going to take his sweatshirt because the weather will be windy at the weekend. Tom is going to take his shorts because the weather will be hot at the weekend.
Сторінка 59 Ex.2
1) rainy;
2) raining;
3) snowy;
4) snowing;
5) snow;
6) snowy;
7) sunny;
8) the sun.
Сторінка 60 Ex.3
1. The weather is rainy.
2. The weather is sunny and hot.
3. The weather is sunny.
Сторінка 60 Ex.4
Spring: windy; cloudy; rainy; warm; sunny. Summer, hot; sunny; stormy. Autumn: windy; rainy; cloudy; foggy; warm; sunny. Winter. cold; foaqy; windy; snowy.
Сторінка 60 Ex.5
1. It's raining.
2. The sun is shining.
3. It's snowing.
4. The wind is blowing.
Сторінка 61 Ex.6
1) rainbow;
2) thunderstorm;
3) it's raining cats and dogs;
4) shower.
Сторінка 61 Ex.7
Yesterday the weather was sunny, cloudy and rainy in Washington. Today the day is sunny in the Capital of the USA. Tomorrow the weather will be windy in Washington. Yesterday the weather was windy in Ottawa. Today the day is sunny and cloudy in the Capital of Canada. Tomorrow the weather will be rainy in Ottawa.
Yesterday the weather was sunny in Canberra. Today the day is windy in the Capital of Australia. Tomorrow the weather will be sunny and cloudy in Canberra. Yesterday the weather was sunny, cloudy and rainy in Wellington. Today the day is sunny in the Capital of New Zealand. Tomorrow the weather will be windy in Wellington.
Сторінка 62 Ex.8
1. Is it sunny?
2. Is it cloudy?
3. Is it rainy out today?
4. Is it snowy?
5. Is it windy?
Сторінка 63 Ex.9
1) d;
2) c;
3) d;
4) b;
5) a;
6) a.
Сторінка 63 Ex.10
1) rainy;
2) hot;
3) windy;
4) snowy;
5) cold.
Сторінка 64 Ex.11
1. Where is the sun shining?
2. When did it snow in Rivne?
3. What is the weather like outside?
4. Will it rain in Kyiv tomorrow?
Сторінка 64 Ex.12
1. We expect a thunderstorm in the evening.
2. You should take your umbrella.
3. These are the last sunny days.
4. The temperature is thirty-two degrees above zero.
5. It is cloudy now.
6. It is snowing!
Сторінка 65 Ex.13
1. On Tuesday I will put on my sweater because it tfvill be cloudy and windy.
2. On Wednesday I will put on my fur coat, hat and mittens because the weather will be cold and frosty.
3. On Thursday I will go for a walk with my friends because it will be sunny.
4. On Friday I won't spend much time outdoors because the weather will be cool and cloudy.
5. On Saturday I will go fishing because it will be clear and warm.
6. On Sunday I will fly a kite because the weather will be sunny but windy.
Сторінка 66 Ex.14
1. How windy is it?
2. How much rain fell?
3. How hot will it be?
Сторінка 66 Ex.15
1, What has Sue never seen?
2. What do we usually see before we hear thunder?
3. What can the lightning strikes cause?
4. When does the sun make rainbows?
5. Does light travel faster than sound?
6. Who saw a bright flash of lightning yesterday?
Сторінка 67 Ex.16
Flat, fluffy, light, heavy, grey.
Hot, cold, cool, warm.
Strong, light, chilly, warm, ice-cold.
Light, heavy.
Сторінка 67 Ex.17
1) shines;
2) is;
3) is;
4) swim;
5) be;
6) watch;
7) is;
8) is.
Сторінка 68 Ex.18
1) snow;
2) girl;
3) cold;
4) warm;
5) warm;
6) the sun;
7) fresh;
8) lake;
9) trees;
10) comfortable;
11) flowers;
12) happy.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Зошит Робочий зошит Генеза Несвіт 2018
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