ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник Prepare 6 [Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс] 2023

icon25.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 164, icon0

Unit 19. School can be fun.
Сторінка 108
Vocabulary and Listening
1. Look at the photos of people on school trips. What activities are they doing?
Match the photos A - J to the words and phrases in the box.
A - going on a nature walk; B - visiting a farm; C - going to an amusement park; D - cooking on a fire; E - canoeing; F - dancing at a disco; G - going round a museum; H - visiting an aquarium; I - watching a show; J - sailing.
2. In small groups, ask and answer the questions.
1.Which of these activities do you do on school trips with your school? - I go on a nature walk and watch a show on my school trips.
2. Which ones do you enjoy? - I enjoy watching shows.
3. Which ones would you like to try? - I would like to try canoeing.
4.Which ones would you not like to do? Why not? - I wouldn't like cooking on a fire, because I don't like fire.
3. Listen to a teacher talking to a class about a school trip and answer the questions.
1. Where is the Tall Trees activity centre? Tall Trees active centre is in the forest.
2. Which activities in Ex. 1 do you hear? I hear such activities as sailing, swimming, cooking, visiting a museum, visiting an aquarium, canoeing, nature walk and disco.
4. For each question, write the correct answer in each gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time. Then listen again and check.
1 - 25th/25; 2 - 8; 3 - drink; 4 - swimming; 5 - trousers.
1. Match the two halves of the sentences.
1. Everyone has to be at school - e. at eight o'clock.
2. Mr Peters has to check - d. your names.
3. You have to wear - b. smart clothes to the disco.
4. You don't have to bring anything - a. to eat.
5. Do we have to wear - c. our uniform on the journey?
2. Now read the examples and then complete the rules with a and b.
1. have to means - b. obligation: You have no choice. You can't say 'no'!
2. don't have to means - a. no obligation: you have a choice and you can do this if you want.
3. Complete the table with the correct form of have to.
No obligation
Question ferm
I/you/we/they have to go.
He/she/it has to go.
I/you/we/they don't have to go.
He/she/it doesn't have to go.
Do I/you/we/they have to go.
Does he/she/it have to go.
4. Listen to Leo asking about the school trip. Tick the things he has to do.
Ticked: get up early day, go swimming, leave hos phone at home, share a bedroom, help with the cleaning.
5. Make pairs of sentences about Leo using have to /doesn't have to and can/can't.
He has to go swimming, but he doesn't have to go to the disco. He can stay in his room if he likes.
He can't bring his mobile phone. He has to leave it at home.
He has to share a bedroom. He can't sleep in his own room.
He doesn't have to do any school work, but he can if he wants to.
6. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. Please, you have to come! It is going to be a great concert.
2. We don't have to pay for the skate park.
3. You don't have to pay anything for the disco. It is free.
4. You have to pack warm clothes for the school trip.
8. In pairs, ask and answer about what you have to do/don't have to/can/can't do this weekend. Use these ideas or your own.
Do you have to do any homework? - Yes, I need to do my homework.
Do you have to get up early? - No, I don't. Today is a day off.
Do you have to go shopping? - Yes, I need to do shopping after school.
1. Read the first paragraph of the article. Do you think the flipped class room sounds like a good idea? Why / why not?
Yes, I think it is a good idea because student can receive more attention from the teacher at school.
2. Read the article and answer the questions. Say Penny, Caitlin or Dylan.
1. If I need to, I can repeat parts of the lesson. - Caitlin;
2. I like being able to explain things during the lesson. - Penny;
3. lots of us spent too much time talking to each other. - Dylan;
4. I don't have to be scared about what's going to happen in the lesson.
- Caitlin;
5. Getting everything ready wasn't easy. - Penny.
3. In pairs, discuss the questions.
1. What do you think are the best/worst things about flipped classrooms? - I think the best is that children can listen information at home in any time and the worst is that teacher needs to spend much time to organize it.
2. Would you like to try it? For which subjects? - Yes, I would like to try Maths.
1. Make a presentation about your perfect school. Work with a partner. Plan what you want to say. Think аbout:
My school number... is very big and modern. We have a lot of different classes and sport gym in it. Pupils can play outdoors or go to the library in their free time. There are also a lot of afterschool activities. All teachers are very kind and clever. I study such subjects as Maths, English, Ukrainian, Biology, Geography and Literature.
1. Maya goes to a boarding school. She sleeps there and only goes home for holidays. Listen to her describing her school. Number the photos in the order you hear about them.
1 - B; 2 - E; 3 - C; 4 - D; 5 - A.
2. Listen again. Complete the article Maya wrote about her school with the missing words.
I go to a boarding school called Hartland School. It has about 600 students.
I have to share a bedroom with three other girls. We can put photos of our family on the walls. There's a library where we do our homework. We start studying at 6 p.m. every evening. We work really hard at my school. We even have lessons on Saturday mornings! After homework, we can go to the games room to have some fun. We have meals in a big dining room and we have to help with the cleaning afterwards. We have to do sports at my school. Next term, we're going to do tennis.
Сторінка 111
1. Match the verbs to the nouns to make phrases. Use the article on page 110 to help you. Some verbs go with than one noun.
do: an exercise, a project, homework, a test
fail: a test;
get: marks, homework;
give: a lesson, homework, marks, a test;
pass: a test;
studyfrom: notes, a textbook;
take: notes, a lesson, a test.
2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. I took lots of notes in my last lesson.
2. I really hope I pass this test!
3. Some people like studying from textbooks and other people prefer videos.
4. The maths teacher gave us six exercises to do at home.
5. I'm doing a history project at the moment, about the Romans.
3. In pairs, compare your school with the one in the article. Use the phrases in Exercise 1.
We study at school and go to school every day. All lessons we have at school and teacher first explains us material and then we do practical exercises.

iconГДЗ 6 клас 2023 Англійська мова Підручник Коста Вільямс Prepare Лінгвіст
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