ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023

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Unit 2. My amazing family.
Сторінка 17
1. Circle the correct word.
1. Family means a married couple with or without children.
2. There are also people related to us who are called relatives.
3. Family is a place where we get support in life.
4. I don't want my parents to live apart.
5. What do you have in common with your brother?
2. Read the comments on page 27 in your SB, then choose a or b.
1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - b; 4 - b; 5 - b; 6 - b.
3. Write a few sentences about your family to send to www.kids - online.net.
My family is not very big - mother, father and I. But I have a lot of relatives - grandmothers and grandfathers, uncle, aunt and cousins. We all live separately and all adults go to work. We like to spend time together. We always celebrate holidays together. I love my family.
Сторінка 18
4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Sally and I have many hobbies in common.
2. These boys have different fathers, but they are connected by the mother.
3. Mary and John are a beautiful couple, and they will marry soon.
4. I look after my pets with love.
5. We always support and help each other.
6. My sister and I drew a family tree to remember our roots.
5. Read the text on page 26 in your SB and answer the questions.
1. What makes our life so different these days? - New technologies, new ways of communication, new standarts and traditions make our life so different these days.
2. What does a family mean’ - A family means a married couple with or without children.
3. What do we get with the help of our family? - We get support in life with help of our family.
4. Do all parents live together? - No, they don't.
5. What kinds of families can be there? - There can be families where parents live apart from their children and those who are always together.
6. What does your family mean to you? - Family means a big support and love for me.
Сторінка 19
1. There are 15 family words hiding in this word search. Find them. They are all about family. Write them down.
nephew, dad, brother, grandpa, son, husband, uncle, cousin, niece, mum, sister, granny, daughter, wife, aunt.
Write the remaining letters to complete this question:
What is your family name?
My family name is. ..
2. Write about your parents/grandparents.
What does your father/mother Look Like? - My mother is slim and small, she has brown eyes and long dark hair. My father is not very tall, but strong, his eyes are also brown and short dark hair.
What is he/she like? - She is beautiful and kind. He is handsome and clever.
What does your grandfather/grandmother look like? - My grandmother is small and plump with blue eyes and grey hair. My grandfather is tall and strong with short hair and brown eyes.
What is he/she like? - She is kind and responsible. He is hardworking.
Сторінка 20
1. Look at the picture and read the text on pages 29 - 30 in your SB. Write the names.
1 - Melissa; 2 - George; 3 - Ted; 4 - Sue; 5 - Edward; 6 - Harry; 7 - Linda; 8 - Amy; 9 - Jim; 10 - Liz; 11 - Robert.
2. Complete the text with the missing words.
Mike's mum is kind and helpful. She has got beautiful blue eyes and short light - brown hair. She is quite tall. His dad is plump. That's because he likes eating a lot. He is a bit bald and he is only 43 years old. His sister has got long blonde hair, and she always wears a lot of make - up and big earrings. Sue is in the bathroom all day long. She is seventeen. Mike's little brother Ted is a real nuisance. He is curious and annoying.
The man with a grey beard is Mike's grandpa. "Pirate Ed" is only his nickname. His real name is Edward. He is very interesting, and he tells a lot of amazing stories.
Mike's uncle Harry has got a ponytail. He makes everybody laugh because he is clumsy. His wife Linda is always serious. Maybe that's because she is a police officer. She is slim because she is always on a diet. The girl with braids is Mike's cousin Amy. She is also 11 and she is shy. Her brother Jim is very thin, so Mike's granny Liz often says, "Jim, you must eat more vegetables if you want to be big and strong." And the untidy boy is Mike’s cousin Robert. He is really silly.
This is not Mike's whole family. He has got many other relatives.
Сторінка 21
3. Look at the pictures and circle the correct word.
Bill is strong and thin. His moustache is long and funny. He has got a big nose and he is bald.
Mary is short and plump. She has got long wavy hair. Her hair is in a ponytail.
Linda is slim. She is pretty. Her hair is red and she has got braids.
There are freckles all over her face.
Ted is fat. He has got glasses and curly hair. His hair is blue.
Greg is tall and slim. He has got a beard. His hair is long and he has got a ponytail.
Сторінка 22
1. a) Listen to Emma in task 2 of your SB. Fill in the table below.
a schoolgirl
a camera
an architect
a small studio
a cameraman
a lot of equipment
in a kindergarten
a lot of friends
Patrick and Stella
17 - 25
in a state an au - pair
a girlfriend has four brothers and a sister
2. Complete the sentences about Emma's family.
1. Emma is Jenny and Patrick's sister.
2. Ellen is Emma, Jenny and Patrick's mum.
3. Ellen and Andy are a husband and a wife.
4. Stella is Emma's au - pair.
5. Andy is Emma, Patrick and Jenny's father.
6. Andy is Ellen's husband.
Сторінка 23
1. Complete the questions. Use who's or whose.
1. Who's not at school today? Jack and Peter.
2. Whose mother is a teacher? My mother.
3. Who's got a pink backpack? Linda, of course.
4. Whose umbrella is pink? Nelly's.
5. Who's hungry? I'm hungry.
6. Who's got a big family? Mary.
2. Copy the words in alphabetical order and make up a sentence with each of them.
boring - I don't like spending my time with him: he is boring.
brave - My father is a very brave man.
calm - All pupils should be calm in the class.
clumsy - Don't be so clumsy.
curious - My sister is very curious.
dull - I dolt like dull people.
hard - working - My parents are both very hard - working.
naive - Don't be so naive.
naughty - My younger brother is very naughty.
patient - I think all teachers are very patient.
polite - Katy is very polite person.
rude - It is very rude from your side.
selfish - Why are some people so selfish?
serious - My uncle is the most serious person I know.
shy - I can be sometimes shy.
worried - My sister always worries about her exam.
Сторінка 24
1. Write about Emma's cousins.
Emma has got two cousins. Susan is 14. Martin is 10. They are brother and sister. They live in a farm in a country. They love animals. They've got two dogs.
2. Listen to the dialogue in task 2 on page 35 in your SB. Read the descriptions below and write the name of each person: John, Jane, Molly or Ned.
Jane She is short. Her hair is long and beautiful.
Molly She is five. She is funny and sometimes annoying.
Ned I Ie has got blue eyes.
John He is very tall. He has got a beard.
3. Finish the sentences.
John is Edna's uncle.
Ned is Edna's older brother.
Molly is Tom's cousin.
Jane is John's wife.
4. Think of the questions about your partner's cousins. Ask him/her about them. Write down his/her answers.
Do you have cousins? What are their names? How old are they?
How oo they look like?
Do you like them?
Yes, I do. I have two cousins.
Their names are Masha and Andriy.
She is 15 and he is 10.
They are both tall and slim.
Yes, of course.
Сторінка 25 - 26
1. Look at the family tree and write if the sentences on page 26 are true or false. Then correct and rewrite the false sentences.
1. True. 2. False. 3. False. 4. True. 5. False. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True.
Andy and Ellen have got three children.
Patrick is Emma and Jenny's brother.
Andy and Ellen have got a nephew and a niece.
2. Now write about the McDonnells.
1. Susan is Martin's sister.
2. Martin is Susan's brother.
3. Erica and Peter are Martin and Susan's parents.
4. Erica is Peter's wife.
5. Ellen is Erica's sister.
6. Peter is Catherine and Tom's son.
7. Ellen and Erica are Kirk and Laura's daughters.
8. Susan and Martin are Jenny, Emma and Patrick's cousins.
9. Catherine is Martin and Susan's grandma.
10. Tom is Catherine's husband.
11. Ellen is Susan and Martin's aunt.
Сторінка 27
Look back
1. Find pairs. There is one word without a pair.
aunt - uncle; sister - brother; mum - dad; stepmother - stepfather; daughter - son; wife - husband; granddaughter - grandson; niece - nephew; cousin.
2. Write down the family roles you have got.
I am a cousin to Masha and Andriy.
I am a son to my mum and dad.
I am a nephew to my aunt and uncle.
I am a grandson to my grandparents.
Сторінка 28
3. Listen about Emma's family again (SB p.32, task 2) and write the words that mean the following.
1. a place where small children stay while their parents are at work - kindergarten;
2. a kind of transport bigger than a car, smaller than a lorry - van;
3. a person who shoots films - cameraman;
4. things you need for an activity or a job - an equipment;
5. the opposite of 'long' - short.
4. Write definitions of the following words in a similar way. an architect - a person who designs buildings and towers; a bike - a transport usually used by children;
a studio - a place where you can work with your hobby;
a camera - a thing that helps to take photo;
small - opposite to big.
5. Write the opposites.
1. Toll is the opposite of short.
2. Curly is the opposite of straight.
3. Long is the opposite of short.
4. Plump is the opposite of slim.
5. Light is the opposite of dark.
6. Skinny is the opposite of chubby.
6. Choose the words from the box and fill in the gaps.
Ann is a new girl in our class. She looks pretty. She is slim and not very tall. Her eyes are green. She has got dark straight hair.
Yesterday I saw her mother. They are much alike. They've got light skin. But her mother's hair is different: it is long and wavy.
Сторінка 29
7. Complete the text with the words from the box.
This is my amazing family. My mum has got beautiful hair and brown eyes. She is very kind and helpful. My dad is not plump, he is thin. My little brother, who always asks me lots of questions, is so curious and sometimes annoying. My elder brother has got a car. He is often bossy. Our grandma knows a lot of interesting stories. I've got many relatives; uncles and aunts, grandparents and cousins.
8. Write a letter to your e - mail friend about yourself.
Dear Mary,
I am small and slim. I have got dark long hair and brown eyes. I am kind and clever. I am interested in sport. I like listening to music in my free time.
Tell me about yourself.
See you soon,
9. Write a comment to www.kids - online.net on your family. Use the texts on page 27 of your SB as examples.
I have a big family - mother, father, grandparents, two aunts and two uncles. I think it is normal because not all of them live with us. All members in my family have jobs, so everyone is busy. We always have dinner together and watch different films. I love my family very much.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит 6 клас Карпюк 2023 Англійська мова НУШ Лібра Терра
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