ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023

icon20.07.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon326, icon0

Unit 5. Are you a vegetarian?
Сторінка 57
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1 - chopsticks; 2 - taste; 3 - light; 4 - bowl; 5 - tissue; 6 - vegeterian; 7 - habits; 8 - specialities.
2. Finish the sentences, as in the example.
1. I put food on a plate.
2. I eat salad with a fork.
3. I cut food with a knife.
4. I eat sushi with chopsticks.
5. I eat soup with a spoon.
6. I have borsch in a bowl.
3. a) Match the countries to their national dishes.
1 - e; 2 - c; 3 - d; 4 - b; 5 - a.
Сторінка 58
3. b) Write some national dishes of the countries below. You may use the Internet to help you.
1. Austria: schnitzel, strudel
2. Brazil: feijoada, vatape
3. Turkey: kebab, rahat lukum
4. Israel: falafel, shakshuka
5. Norway: mutton, cabbage stew
6. Australia: meat pie, pumpkin soup.
4. Answer the questions. Then share your answers with the class.
1. We always eat together.
2. I eat three times a day. I usually eat at home but we also go to cafes very often with my family and friends.
3. My favourite dish is sushi.
4. I do not like porridge.
Сторінка 59
1. Label the pictures, as in the example.
to bake
to cut
to boil
to fry
salmon nuts
2. Write what manners the kids show. Tick the good ones and cross the bad ones.
to sit straight at the table
to chew with your mouth open
to put your elbows on the table
to use a fork and a knife
to use a napkin
to lick your fingers when you eat
Сторінка 60
1. Odd one out. Explain your choice.
1. carrots, potatoes, tomatoes
2. chicken, pork, turkey
3. bananas, oranges, pineapples
4. water, juice, cola, eggs
5. milk, yoghurt, butter
6. cakes, chocolates, ice cream
2. Fill in the table with the words from the box.
Healthy food
Fast food
Hot dogs
3. Guess and write the words.
1. There are many grains in bread.
2. We need beans to make this soup.
3. I don't eat sweets because I'm on a diet.
4. Tim is strong and he always eats healthy food.
5. I need to eat something because I have no energy to work.
6. Fruit and vegetables are in the same food group.
7. Milk is necessary to keep your teeth and bones healthy.
8. It takes time for your body to digest the food you've eaten.
4. Read the text on pages 79 - 80 in the SB and choose a, b or
1 - b; 2 - c; 3 - a; 4 - a; 5 - c; 6 - b; 7 - c; 8 - b.
Сторінка 61
5. Read the text on pages 79 - 80 in the SB again and rewrite the sentences.
1. Different kinds of food help your body in different ways.
2. There are four different food groups.
3. Fruit and vegetables are good for your eyes, skin and teeth.
4. There is more to the meat group than just meat.
5. You need to drink two or three cups of milk each day.
6. Bread is made from gains.
7. A diet is what you eat and drink.
8. You must have snacks between meals.
Сторінка 62
1. a) Listen to the dialogue and write if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1 - F; 2 - F; 3 - T; 4 - F; 5 - T; 6 - T; 7 - T; 8 - T; 9 - F; 10 - T.
b) Listen again and rewrite the false statements.
1. Jim's dad is making dinner.
2. Jim's mum is at work.
3. Dad asks Jim to wash the cucumbers for him.
4. Jim and his dad lay the table and bring everything when mum cooks.
Сторінка 63
2. Listen to the second part of the dialogue twice and answer the questions.
1. Jim's mum is so tired because she had so much work to do.
2. Jim tells his mum to go to the living room.
3. Jims mum go to the kitchen instead.
4. Jim and his dad don’t want Mum to see the kitchen because it is a mess there.
5. The cucumbers are on the floor, knives are dirty and the pan looks so ugly.
6. Jim's mum says that there will be no dinner for anyone except her if they don't clean up the kitchen.
3. Complete the dialogue. Then act it out in pairs.
A: Do you have any pancakes for breakfast?
B: Yes, I have some pancakes and some jam for breakfast.
A: Do you have any soup for lunch?
B: No, I don't have any soup for lunch?
Сторінка 64
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Phillip likes having home - made food better than eating out.
2. I want to boil the eggs because I don't like them fried.
3. Helen is making some delicious lamb for lunch today.
4. My grandfather makes compost out of salmon skin.
5. We need to peel these potatoes before frying them.
6. Sam is on a diet, so she doesn't eat shortbread.
7. You have to mix all of this food with a whisk.
8. Chuck is cutting the onions with a grater right now.
2. a) Do the crossword.
1 - knife; 2 - fridge; 3 - kettle; 4 - chopping boat; 5 - whisk; 6 - oven glove; 7 - apron.
b) Write down any other kitchen items and items of technology that you know.
plate, saucepan, bowl, cup, glass, frying pan, grater, blender, microwave, cooker, plate, tablespoon, fork.
Сторінка 65
3. Make your own sentences with the words from the crossword.
1. Be careful! Knife is very sharp.
2. You can find juice in the fridge.
3. This kettle is broken.
4. I need to buy a new chopping boat.
5. You can whisk the food for me.
6. Don't forget to wear oven glove.
7. You need to wear apron in the kitchen.
4. Copy the words under the right headings.
sausages, steak, chicken, bacon, ham
tomatoes, onions, spinach, cabbage, potatoes..
Strawberries, oranges, lemons, pears,
milk, butter, cream, cheese,
coffee, cocoa, milkshake, tea, water,
pancakes, ice cream, apple pie, cake, biscuits
Сторінка 66
1. Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box. Act it out in pairs.
Jade: Do we need any wheat flour?
Ned: Yes, 2 cups. We also need some butter, sugar and eggs.
Jade: Here you are. I will mix them and then roll the pastry out onto the board.
Ned: Good. Give me the pastry cutter to cut out the forms for the pancakes, please.
Jade: Here you are. Oh, no! I've dropped the eggs!
Ned: Clean it up and mop the floor before Mum gets here!
Jade: That's not very handy! Help me!
Ned: Okay - okay. I'll clean the rest. That's it! All is done.
2. Work in pairs. Interview each other, make notes and report to the class. Ask:
1. My favourite food is roasted chicken.
2. I do not like porridge.
3. My favourite cuisine is Ukrainian.
4. My parents cook in my family.
5. I do not like cooking.
Сторінка 67
1. Give your own answers.
1. Eating healthy food is important because you need to be strong and fit.
2. Eating bad food is dangerous because there are not any vitamins in such food.
3. Good manners are necessary to show that you well behaved.
4. I prefer both. If I want something special, I go to the restaurant.
2. Write the recipe for your favourite dish.
Recipe name:
100g. butter or margarine, softened at room temperature 1 cup (200 g.) sugar
2 cups flour
5 medium apples
1 pack of vanilla pudding
1 cup of milk
1 tbsp sour - cream
What to do:
1. Lightly beat together softened butter and sugar. Leave one tbsp, of butter aside. Add flour, egg and sour cream into the butter mixture, mix with a help of a spoon.
2. peel apples and slice them into medium pieces. Put apples into the pan with 1 spoon of butter.
3. Put dough on top and bake 35 min at 160 - 175 degree.
Сторінка 68
Look back
1. Circle the correct word.
1. Everyone chooses food to their own taste.
2. Michael likes soups where there are beans.
3. My family often eats food that is home - made.
4. Don't throw that out - we'll make compost.
5. Meat and eggs are in the same food group.
6. We asked Evelina to lay the table.
7. I'm dirty! Please get me a napkin.
8. Our favourite dessert is shortbread.
2. a) Look at the 'Words for You' boxes on pages 76 and 79 in your SB and unscramble the words.
1 - diet; 2 - grain; 3 - light; 4 - habit; 5 - digest; 6 - energy; 7 - vegeterian; 8 - necessary.
b) Make your own sentences with the words above.
1. I do not like to keep on a diet.
2. We have a great variety of grains.
3. You need to have a light dinner.
4. It is useful habit to have full breakfast in the morning.
5. It is very difficult to digest fatty food.
6. Healthy food gives a lot of energy.
7. My sister likes vegetarian food.
8. It is necessary to keep on a diet.
3. a) Label the pictures. Then say which food and drinks you love/like/don't like/hate.
ice - cream
b) Add any other food and drinks that you know
milk, fish, biscuit, water, soda, lamb, compost.
4. Think and write down names of healthy and unhealthy food.
Healthy Food
Unhealthy Food
Cereal, vegetables, fruit, fish, meat, tea
Coke, pizza, crisps
Сторінка 70
Look back
5. a) Write what kitchen items you can see in the picture.
There is a fridge, a kettle, a coffee machine, plates, cups and glasses, bowls, pan, forks, spoons and knives.
b) Say which of them are ordinary kitchen items/gadgets.
I think all of them are ordinary kitchen gadgets.
6. Guess and write the names of the kitchen items.
1. I use a saucepan to boil eggs for breakfast.
2. Tina needs a grate to cut the cheese.
3. Always wear an apricot when you cook.
4. Let's bake a pie in our new oven.
5. We never make pizza in a microwave.
6. It's so hot! Give me the oven glove, please.
7. Bob is cutting the tomatoes on a cutting board.
8. We use a whisk to mix different food, like eggs.
Сторінка 71
7. a) Fill in the table with good/bad manners that you know.
Good Manners
Bad Manners
to sit straight at the table, to use a fork and a knife, to use napkin when you eat
to chew with your mouth open, to put your elbows on the table, to lick your fingers
b) In pairs, discuss why good manners are important.Mention what manners and traditions you have in your family.
Good manners are important because thanks to them you can show that you well behaved person.
In my family we all have good manners. We also have some traditions. We usually have dinner together and on Friday we sat near TV and watch a film or cartoon.
8. Ask and answer in pairs. Report to the class.
1. I usually eat at home.
2. Yes, I have my favourite café. It is pizzeria near my house. It is very cozy and tasty there.
9. Make your own sentences with the words and phrases from the box.
1. You need to take pastry cutter.
2. Wheat flour is necessary to prepare pizza.
3. If you like thin pizza, you need to roll the pastry out onto the board.
4. That's it. You did it well.
5. I have a recipe book. It is very handy.
6. You need to mop the floor after your cooking.
7. Pastry must be very thin.
8. The rest is up to your demand.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит 6 клас Карпюк 2023 Англійська мова НУШ Лібра Терра
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