ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023

icon20.07.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon326, icon0

Unit 6. Bigger! Stronger! Faster!
Сторінка 72
1. Put these sports in alphabetical order.
athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, cricket, curling, cycling, football, golf, gymnastics, handball, ice hockey, rugby, skiing, surfing, swimming, tennis, volleyball,
2. Write the names of the sports you see in the pictures.
Сторінка 73
3. Look and match.
1 - surfing; 2 - cricket; 3 - ice - hockey; 4 - rugby; 5 - curling;
4. Complete the sentences.
1. Sport is one of the ways to have fun with friends as well as to keep yourself fit and healthy.
2. There is a huge variety of different kinds of sports.
3. It is a part of culture to play ice hockey and curling in Canada.
4. In Great Britain golf and cricket are very popular.
5. Instead of doing sport people sit on chairs in front of a screen.
5. Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the box.
1. Horse racing is a kind of sport that includes competition.
2. Helga was nervous because she was scared of failure.
3. If you'd like to play cricket, get yourself special equipment.
4. He gained weight because of too much sugar in his diet.
5. My grandad was very competitive when he was young, and he took part in different sports competitions.
6. No one wants to get injured - that's why we need to be careful while playing ice hockey.
Сторінка 74
1. Sort out the words from the box into three groups. Then write the sentences using them.
Karate, athletics, gymnastics, aerobics, yoga
cycling, swimming, skiing, ice skating, running
football, basketball, volleyball, golf
I like to play football and volleyball in my free time.
My mum goes swimming two times a week.
My father likes going cycling in his free time.
Golf is very boring for me.
I want to try yoga but have no time.
2. Fill in play, go or do. Use the correct tense form.
1. Let's go fencing this weekend.
2. My friends play basketball on Thursdays.
3. I go swimming with my friends on Sundays.
4. The boys play volleyball in summer.
5. Mary does aerobics twice a week.
6. John does karate at the school club.
Сторінка 75
1. Complete the text with the words from the box.
My favourite sport is basketball. There are five players in each team.
You have to throw the ball to other members of your team. You have to bounce the ball, but you cannot kick it. You can only hold the ball for five seconds. To get a goal, you have to throw the ball into a high basket in the other team's half of the court. You don't have to be tall, but it helps!
2, a) Complete the description of table tennis. Use the words from the box.
You need a bat. You have to hold it in your right or left hand. When you serve, the ball can go over the net, it doesn't have to touch it. You have to score 11 points to win a game. Usually, you don't have to wear special clothes, but in tournaments players have to wear shorts or short skirts and T - shirts.
Сторінка 76
2. b) Give a short description of any sport you like.
You need a ball and two gates. For this game we need two teams. Each team has 11 players. You can kick the ball but not take it into your hands. The task is to score a goal. That team wins who kick more goals.
3. a) Put the words into the correct order to make questions.
Do you need special clothes?
Do you play it in winter?
Do you play it inside?
Do you play it with a ball?
Can you kick the ball?
Is it volleyball?
Сторінка 77
1. Match to make a word combination.
a - sports event;
b - horse race;
c - gold, silver, bronze medals;
d - first prize;
e - coloured rings;
f - to compete in athletics.
2. Listen to the text in task 1 on page 100 of your SB and complete the sentences.
The first Olympics took place in Olympia, Greece. They were in 776 BC. There was the only sports event.
The Olympic Games are held every four years now.
Each competition is a chance to get three prizes: a gold medal, a silver medal and a bronze medal.
There are many new sports nowadays: athletics, boxing, cycling, basketball, football, gymnastics, swimming and others.
The Olympic flag has 5 coloured rings.
It means that the countries are friends because every country has one of these colours on its flag.
Сторінка 78
3. a) Write if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. True
2. False
3. True
c) Complete the sentences.
1. British schoolchildren have to do sport as a part of their school programme.
2. There are many differences between sports in Britain and in othe countries.
3. Basketball and volleyball are not very popular in Britain.
4. The British like playing soccer and cricket.
5. Cricket is a typical British sport.
Сторінка 79
Vocabulary and Listening
1. Look and write the name of the equipment and the name of the sport where it is used.
gloves box
ball football
skis skiing
bike cycling
ice skates skating
ball basketball
stick, puck ice hockey
2. Read and guess the sport. Write its name.
1. net, racket, set - tennis
2. skis, snow, goggles - skiing
3. ball, goal, swimming pool - water polo
4. ice, stick, puck - ice hockey
5. boat, lake, oars - boating
6. stopwatch, track, trainers - athletics
3. Write 3 sports in each line.
indoor sports: ice hockey, basketball, boxing outdoorsports: football, cycling, horse riding dangerous sports: climbing, fencing, skateboarding team sports: football, basketball, volleyball individual sports: athletics, running, long jump water sports: swimming, sailing, water polo winter sports: skiing, skating, snowboarding summer sports: sailing, boating, swimming
Сторінка 80
1. List your favourite things about sport.
1. My favourite sports programme on TV is athletics.
2. My favourite sport is football.
3. My favourite sports star is Ronaldo.
4. My favourite team is Barcelona.
2. Put Tom's words into the correct order to make a dialogue. Then act it out in pairs.
1. - Here is Tom Bondarenko, our school's sports expert. Tom, can you explain the difference between a 'game' and a 'sport'?
- Not at all.
2. But running and jumping are not games. What are they?
- They are sports or athletic events. When we use the word 'game', we think of some kind of sports in which there are two sides or teams. The high jumps and the long jumps are called field events. Running races are called track events.
3. I see.
- Football and tennis are games. We play games.
4. What is a track?
- A track is the ground that has been made for running on.
Сторінка 81
1. Write down everything you can remember about the Olympic Games.
Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece. Only men took part in games. Later in Olympic games both women and men could take part.
2. Read the e - mail and write your own one about your favourite sport or sports activities. Use the phrases below.
Hi there!
My favourite sport is football. I become interested in it since chiidhood.
My father is a football player I was always with him. I go to trainings three times a week. My favourite champion is Ronaldo. I hope to be as good as he in future. I'd like to be famous. I think my dream will come true.
Сторінка 82
1. Odd one out. Explain your choice.
1. tennis, racket, ball.
2. swimming pool, ball, goal.
3. skating, ice, helmet
4. boat, water, oars
5. table tennis, net, set
6. tennis, football, handball.
2. Complete the sentences with the missing words.
Football is an outdoor sport. There are eleven players in a team. Ten of them try to score a goal. The goalkeeper tries to protect the goal.
Football players need special shoes called football boots. Tennis is an individual sport. You need a ball and a racket. There is a net between two players. They usually wear white clothes.
3. Correct the sentences.
1. Football and fencing are outdoor games. - Football and skating are outdoor games.
2. There are nine players in a football team. - There are eleven players in a football team.
3. Volleyball is the game for two teams of five players. - Basketball is the game for two teams of five players.
4. Volleyball players can only hit the ball with their heads or arms. - Basketball players can only hit the ball with their heads or arms.
5. Football players can touch the ball with their hands. - Football players can not touch the ball with their hands.
6. The goalkeeper is the only person in a team who can dribble the ball or touch it with their hands. - The goalkeeper is the only person in a team who can touch the ball with their hands.
7. You need a ball and a track to play football or volleyball. - You need a ball and a field to play football or volleyball.
Сторінка 83
4. Write the descriptions of these sports.
1. You need to wear skates to play ice hockey. You don't have to hit other players. You have to use the stick to score the goals.
2. You need to score goals to win the game of football. You can not use your hands. You can touch the ball with your head. You have to wear uniform.
3. You have to wear white clothes to play tennis. You don't have to walk over the net. You can serve over the net and can not touch the net with the racket.
Сторінка 84
5. a) Put the sentences from the box into the right places.
The boys of our school's volleyball team are happy today. (1) They have iust won their eighth match. "They are a great team," their teacher said. "Since last December they have lost only 3 games," she added. They have played together for two years. The school's football team isn't so lucky. (2) Its players haven't won any competition for the last year. They need new players now. VOLLEYBALL
This game can be played inside or outside. It is for two teams of six players. You need a ball and a high net. (3) You hit the ball with your hands and arms over the net. You can't catch or hold the ball.The winner is the first team to get 15 points. FOOTBALL
As you probably know, football is an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. But do you know that the goalkeeper is the only person who can touch the ball with their hands? (4) The other players can only kick or roll the ball. The winner is the team with the most goals at the end of the game. Make your choice and join the team you like. (5) Support your school!
Сторінка 85
5. b) Write your answers
1. They have just won the game.
2. They have lost three games.
3. They have won eight matches.
4. They have played together for two years.
5. Yes, they have.
6. Complete the sentences based on the texts above.
1. Football is an outdoor game.
2. There are eleven players in a football team
3. A football player can only kick or roll the ball.
4. The goalkeeper can use his hands to keep the ball.
5. In football the winner is the team with the most goals at the end of the game.
6. Volleyball can be played inside or outside.
7. There are six players in a volleyball team.
8. You should use a net to play volleyball.
9. In volleyball you can't catch or hold the ball.
10. The volleyball winner is the first team to get 15 points.
Сторінка 86
7. Prepare a presentation about any sport. Follow the steps.
Football - The Team Game
Hey everyone! Today I want to talk about football.
Football is a team sport. You play with a team of eleven players on each side.
All you need to play football is a ball, special shoes called cleats, shin guards to protect your legs, and a uniform.
I love football because it's super fun and exciting. You get to run around, pass the ball, and try to score goals with your teammates. My favorite football team is Manchester United. They're really good! Football is loved by millions of people around the world. It's a game that brings people together and makes them happy.
So, if you ever get the chance, give football a try! It's awesome! Thanks for listening!

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит 6 клас Карпюк 2023 Англійська мова НУШ Лібра Терра
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