ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023

icon20.07.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon326, icon0

Unit 4. Let's go shopping.
Сторінка 44
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Going to school is not only a necessity but also a great chance to communicate with others.
2. My family usually buys chicken or beef at the butcher's.
3. A mall is a place with a huge choice of clothes, electronics and many other things.
4. My mum prefers buying clothes at brand shops like H&M or Zara.
5. The mall in the northern part of our city offers not only shopping but also entertainment - two cinemas, bowling, a skating rink and a playground for kids.
6. River Island is a nice brand shop where young people can buy clothes and accessories of the Latest fashion.
2. Write if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F). Rewrite the false statements to make them true.
Shopping is a necessity in our life. - True.
A shopping centre is a place where you can buy various things. - True.
Westfield is a mall in Sydney. - False.
You can get books and gadgets at Adidas, Gucci or Guess. - False. Westfield offers you not only shopping but also entertainment. - True. Snack bars like Costa Coffee or Burger King are popular European cafes. - False.
3. Westfield is a mall in West London.
4. You can get books and gadgets at Waterstones and at Covered shops.
6. Snack bars like Burger king and Costa Coffee aren't popular European cafes.
Сторінка 45
3. Look at the comments on page 61 (SB) and finish the sentences. Asahi is happy to know that there is a cafe with his national cuisine. Greg is not crazy about shopping.
He'd like to visit Westfield to go to the cinema or play basketball.
Annette is into different famous brands.
That is why going to Westfield is magic for her.
Alina really wants to visit this mall.
4. Read about Westfield on page 60 in your SB and write your own comment for kids - online.net.
That's cool. I am fond of shopping, so going to Westfield is a great idea for me. I like buying brand clothes and eating delicious food.
Сторінка 46
1. Sort out the words into four groups.

Toilet paper
2. Match the sentences (1 - 8) with the names of the shops (a - h).
1 - c; 2d; 3 - f; 4 - a; 5 - h; 6 - g; 7 - e; 8 - b.
Сторінка 47
3. a) Do the crossword.
1 - trolley; 2 - fishmongers; 3 - price; 4 - cashier; 5 - pay; 6 - cheap; 7 - customer; 8 - expensive; 9 - dairy.
b) Choose words from a) and make up five sentences with them.
1. The price for this dress is very high.
2. I don't want to buy such an expensive car.
3. You need to go to fishmongers to buy some fish.
4. You can pay by credit card here.
5. This restaurant is rather cheap.
Сторінка 48
1. Match to make sentences.
1. You can pay less in a chain of cheaper shops.
2. A fishmonger's is for you if you need some fish.
3. I prefer buying bread at the bakery near my house.
4. Instead of visiting different separate shops better go to the supermarket.
5. Trolleys help customers to carry goods they are going to buy.
6. The street I live on is full of different shops.
7. You can't try on clothes in a fitting room if you buy them online.
8. Make sure if you buy the right size.
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. The stall sells drinks and snacks.
2. This variety of fruit is fantastic at this greengrocer's.
3. The butcher's and the dairy are in two separate departments.
4. You can try these trousers on in the fitting room.
5. The children were full of joy after visiting the zoo.
6. Silpo is a popular chain of supermarkets in Ukraine.
7. As for me, I prefer small market places to supermarkets.
8. Make sure if this is your size.
9. You can buy any item of goods at Rozetka.
10. Try on these trainers before you buy them.
11. A huge choice of goods is sold at Epicentr.
Сторінка 49
3. Finish the sentences.
1. Thanks to today's progress in technology, we can order a lot of things online.
2. A greengrocer's is where you can get fresh food and vegetables.
3. If you need some milk, go to a diary.
4. Sainsbury's is one of the most famous supermarkets in Great Britain.
5. Tesco is a chain of cheaper supermarkets in the world.
6. Malls are huge shopping centres.
4. Write about your shopping. Use the words from the box.
I like shopping. I do it almost every day. I go to the supermarket every day for products. I go to the mall once a week with my family.
Сторінка 50
1. Complete the sentences and do the crossword with these words.
1 - receipt; 2 - change; 3 - cash; 4 - medium; 5 - section; 6 - credit card; 7 - discount; 8 - cost; 9 - fit.
2. Listen to the dialogue in task 2 on page 66 of your SB and put the lines below into the correct order.
1 - Good afternoon. How can I help you?
2 - Good afternoon, ma'am. I am looking for a pair of jeans.
3 - - Certainly. Here is our jeans section.
4 - Oh! There are so many of them!
5 - Of course. What size are you?
6 - I am a medium.
7 - How about these?
8 - They look nice. Can I try them on?
9 - Here you go. The fitting rooms are over there.
3. Match to make a dialogue.
1. These gloves are too big. Have you got them in small? - I’ll check... Oh, yes.
2. They fit well. How much are they? - They cost 15 pounds with a 20% discount.
3. Great! I'll take them. - Here is your change and receipt. Have a nice day!
4. In cash. Here you are. - Would you like to pay by credit card or in cash?
Сторінка 51
1. Match.
€31.25 - thirty - one euros and twenty - five cents.
L - large.
XS - extra small.
£10.50 - ten pounds and fifty pence.
XL - extra large.
S - small.
$15.45 - fifteen dollars and forty - five cents.
M - medium.
2. Look and label.
to pay,
cheap (15 €), expensive (100 €); cashier, customer.
price seven hundred and thirty pounds
diary; fishmongers; trolley.
3. Answer.
1. I can buy tennis balls at a sports shop.
2. They sell meat at a butcher's.
3. I can buy medicines and a toothpaste at a chemist's.
4. I can buy newspapers and magazines at a newsagent's.
Сторінка 52
1. Put the lines below into the correct order.
2 - Yes?
1 - Excuse me?
4 - Over there.
3 - Where are the fitting rooms, please?
5 - Oh, no. They're too long. Have you got them in a smaller size?
7 - These ones fit me perfectly! How much are they?
6 - Certainly. Here you are.
14 - Bye!
9 - I'll take them.
8 - 100 pounds.
11 - In cash.
12 - OK. Here is your change and a receipt.
10 How would you like to pay?
13 - Thank you. Goodbye!
2. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.
- Yes, please. I want six bottles of mineral water.
- I need a small bars of chocolates.
- Can you get me a tube of toothpaste, please7
- Yes, I'd like four tins of tuna.
- Can I have a can of cola?
- Please bring me a large box of soap.
- I need another pack of ice cream.
- Please buy two packets of crisps.
Get me a large carton of yoghurt, please.
Get an extra kilo of potatoes.
Сторінка 53
1. Write an e - mail to your friend. Tell him/her about your Christmas shopping.
Dear Mike,
I would like to tell you about my Christmas shopping.
We went to our mall to buy some interesting things for Christmas. We usually buy something new every year.
We bought some decorations for the tree and our flat. Also we bought some new clothes for themselves. I like to meet Christmas in my new outfit.
After shopping we went to the café to have a cup of coffee and a cake.
We spent our time wonderfully. I enjoy Christmas time.
Tell me about your Christmas shopping?
Best wishes,
Сторінка 54
Look back.
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1 - goods; 2 - accessories; 3 - discount; 4 - offer; 5 - fit; 6 - designer; 7 - credit, cash.
2. Match each phrase in A to a proper phrase in B to make up short dialogues. Where are these people? Use the words from the box.
1. We'd like two cheeseburgers and one hamburger with fries, please. - fast - food restaurant - Would you like anything to drink with that?
2. Could you tell me where the shoe section is, please? - department store - Yes, of course. It's on the third floor.
3. Have you got any shampoo for oily hair? - chemist’s - I'll check., but I think we only have it for dry.
4. I'd like some brown bread, please. - bakers - I’m afraid we only have white left.
5. Could I have another paper bag? I've got so much to carry. - Supermarkets - Here you are. We don't charge for them.
Сторінка 55
3. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.
Terry: What can I buy my sister for her birthday?
Mary: What about some perfume? There's a chemist's across the road.
Terry: I can't afford perfume. It's really expensive.
Mary: I could lend you some money.
Terry: Thanks, but I'd prefer not to borrow money from you.
I'll just make sure I don't spend too much on her present.
Mary: You could buy her a book. There's a bookshop near the station.
New books cost only $9.99 there.
Terry: That's brilliant!
Mary: They only sell detective stories, though.
Terry: Ah. She hates those.
Mary: Why don't you just buy her a jumper or a shirt?
Terry: OK. Let's find a clothes shop.
4. Write the names of three shops that you know. They can be any kinds of shops.
1. Fashion shop; 2. Bakery; 3. Avoska shop.
Paragraph 1
Write about the shops: Where are they? What do they sell? Do you often go there? When do you usually go there? What do you usually buy from them?
These three shops are in our town. Fashion shop sells different clothes. Bakery shop sells tasty bread and cookies. Avoska shop sells different things. You can buy there everything you like. I usually go there twice a week.
Сторінка 56
Paragraph 2
Compare the shops. Use some of these adjectives: cheap, expensive, boring, interesting, exciting, popular, cool, big, small, far.
Fashion shop is rather far from me but very popular in our city. Bakery is near my house. It is big and everything is very tasty. Avoska shop is very cheap with a lot of interesting things in it.
Paragraph 3
Which shop do you like the best? Why?
I like Avoska shop the best, because there are huge variety of different small things. I can buy there everything from toys to tasty product.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит 6 клас Карпюк 2023 Англійська мова НУШ Лібра Терра
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