ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023

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Unit 3. What about your free time?
Сторінка 30
1. a) Match the words to their meanings.
1 - e; 2 - h; 3 - f; 4 - a; 5 - h; 6 - c; 7 - d; 8 - b.
b) Complete the sentences with the words from a).
1. I don't spend a lot of time on the Internet.
2. Hey, let's hang out together this Sunday!
3. There are so many viewers of our talk show!
4. It is dangerous to give out personal information online.
5. John spends only one hour online every day.
6. Online games can isolate us from each other.
7. I want to download some new music on my phone.
8. We use different social networks to connect with others.
2. Read the text on pages 42 - 43 in your SB and write if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).
1 - T; 2 - F; 3 - F; 4 - T; 5 - T; 6 - F; 7 - T; 8 - F.
Сторінка 31
3. a) Read the text again. Write down any other problems that you know about using the Internet too much.
Using the Internet to much can cause problems with eyes and spine. Also, you spend a little time indoors, that's bad for lungs. You become isolated from world and don't want to communicate with other because you have virtual friends.
b) Answer the questions below. Compare your answers with those of your classmates.
1. I use Internet for searching information.
2. I spend two - three hours online every day.
3. My favourite social network is Instagram.
Сторінка 32
1. Sort out the words from the box into two groups. Add any other words that you know.
Appearance: freckles, tall, curly, slim, small, straight.
Character: calm, energetic, honest, shy, kind.
2. Look at the pictures and write about the people in them, as in the example.
This is Sheila. She is tall and a bit fat. She has brown curly hair and brown eyes.
This is Lu. He is tall and slim. He has got long dark hair and green eyes. This is Sue. She is short and slim. She has got short red hair and green eyes.
Сторінка 33
3. a) Read the adjectives below and say which ones are positive and which ones are negative. Complete the sentences with them.
1. Tom never shows any worry or anger. He is calm. Tommy can sometimes be careless because he is not always careful or attentive. But he is outgoing - he has many friends and likes going to parties.
2. Sheila likes being busy - that's why she is so energetic. She talks on the phone a lot which makes her chatty, too. However, she can always keep all secrets - she is trustworthy.
3. Lu is always tidy and never late for anything. He's responsible. Lu is also smart and well - organised - he never forgets anything. However, he
is a bit shy because he often feels uncomfortable around new people.
4. Sue thinks about others and is always ready to help - she's very and caring. On the other side, she can sometimes bug others which makes her a little annoying.
b) Read the statements in a) again, name the clubs these kids should join and say why.
1. Tom should join the music club because he is outgoing.
2. Sheila should join sports club because she is energetic.
3. Lu should join science club because he is smart.
4. Sue should join family club because she is caring and helpful.
Сторінка 34
Reading search
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Make your own sentences with the words that are left.
1. That tall man is instead Rick - I am sure.
2. We are all special because we have many differences.
3. I heard there's new skating rink in the city centre - lets go there!
4. Jim is very sociable, and friendship is very important to him.
5. Lily and Ed differ from each other - she is shy and he is brave.
6. She always has a good behavior at school.
7. You definitely saw this film.
8. Every person has individual character.
9. There are various way of spending time in the park.
2. Read the text on page 45 in your SB and choose a or b.
1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - a; 4 - b; 5 - b; 6 - a; 7 - b; 8 - b.
3. Finish the sentences with your own ideas, as in the example.
1. Outgoing people usually like having parties and hanging out with many friends.
2. Energetic people enjoy spending much time outdoors.
3. Calm people love being alone.
4. Curious people like finding something new.
5. Chatty people often enjoy speaking a lot.
6. My best friend loves playing guitar.
7. I really like playing football.
Сторінка 35
Listening search.
1. Listen about Ned and fill in the profile.
Name: Ned
Age: twelve
Birthday: on the 5th March
Place of birth: Oxford, England
Family: parents
Pets: dog Oddy
Favourite subjects: History
Hobbies: playing basketball, dancing
Personality: curious, energetic
2. a) Listen about Ned's friends and complete the sentences.
1. Kevin; 2. Jane; 3. Kevin; 4. Kevin; 5. Jane; 6. Jane.
b) Listen again and answer the questions.
1. Ned's best friends are Kevin and June.
2. Kevin is 11 and she is 12.
3. He likes Science because he is curious, understands it well and enjoys doing experiments.
4. Kevin said «That's me, curious Kevin».
5. She goes to the gym.
6. Jane's parents are angry at her because she pass more attention to her body than to her studies.
7. Ned, Kevin and Jane like hanging out in a park, going to the cinema and playing games together.
Сторінка 36
2. c) Write down your answers to the questions in b).
1. My best friend is Dmytro.
2. He is 12 years old.
3. He likes science because he is very curious.
4. He is very clever.
5. He goes for English classes three times a week.
6. Because she is noisy.
7. They play basketball together.
3. Fill in the profile about your best friend. Then show it to him/her and check if you are right.
For example:
Name: David
Birthday: 23 April
Place of birth: Kyiv, Ukraine
Family: parents
Pets: dog
Favourite subjects: English, maths
Hobbies: football
Personality: responsible
Сторінка 37
Vocabulary search
1. a) Look at the pictures and write what everyone can/can't do and would like to learn how to do.
He can
He can sing.
She can't ski, but she would like to learn how to do it.
She can paint.
She can cook.
He can't play the guitar but he would like to learn how to do it.
b) Write what you can/can't do and would like to learn how to do.
1. I can play football.
2. I can ride a bike.
3. I can paint.
4. I can't sing but I would like to learn how to do it.
Сторінка 38
2. Look at the pictures and write about the kids' likes and dislikes. Use the phrases in task 3 on page 51 in the SB.
Bella: likes singing;
Eddy: dislikes mountain climbing;
Zoey: dislikes horse riding;
Jake: likes rollerblading.
3. Work in pairs. Interview each other about your likes and dislikes as to different activities. Use the scheme below. Then share your results in class.
1. I can play football.
2. I can't sing songs.
3. I would like to learn how to play a guitar.
4. Max likes riding a bike.
5. He is interested in music.
6. He is crazy about football.
7. He doesn't like swimming.
8. He can't stand reading.
Сторінка 39
1. Match
1 - b; 2 - c; 3 - d; 4 - a.
2. a) Put the lines into the correct order to make a dialogue.
9 - Emma: Bye!
4 - Lee: Tomorrow. I'm playing the violin there at 4 pm.
3 - Emma: When?
8 - Lee: OK. Bye!
1 - Emma: Hey, Lee!
7 - Emma: Maybe. I'll call you at 3:30 pm.
6 - Lee: Maybe it won't take too long?
5 - Emma: Hm... I'm not sure. I'm seeing my dentist at 3 pm.
2 - Lee: Hi, Emma! Would you like to go to the Music Club with me?
3. Talk in pairs. Check your plans for this weekend and invite your classmate to hang out with you. Use the dialogue above as an example.
- Hey Max!
- Hi, Andrew. Would you like to go to play football with me?
- When?
- On Sunday at 1 pm.
- Hm...I am not sure. I need to check with my parents.
- Ok. Shall I call you tomorrow?
- Yes, I will know for sure.
- Great.
- Bye.
Сторінка 40
Listening and Writing
1. a) Listen to the dialogues in task 1 on page 54 in the SB. Choose a or
1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - b; 4 - a; 5 - a; 6 - b.
b) Listen again and write the name (Tommy or Dave).
1. Tommy is planning a sleepover.
2. Tommy's party is in one week.
3. Dave will play games.
4. Tommy is writing to Jimmy now.
5. Dave will ask Denis to bring Monopoly.
6. Dave's address is 13 Park Road.
2. Look at Mia's birthday plans and help her write an invitation to Wendy. Use the party invitations on page 54 in the SB as examples. Party Invitation Dear Wendy,
Please come to my birthday party on 30th April. It is on Sunday. The party will be in Nora Café, 9th Wentworth Street.
Don't forget to wear comfortable shoes; we are going to dance a lot.
Сторінка 41
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box and put them into the correct tense.
1. I use this website to watch films online.
2. Being alone very often can isolate you from others.
3. Rick downloaded some awesome songs an hour ago!
4. We mustn't give out too much personal information online.
5. Kelly posted different blogs about music last weekend.
6. I think Ned and Nina spend too much time online.
7. Jake hung out with me at the Computer Club yesterday.
8. Hey, Ann! Let's join this new chat about fashion.
2. a) Listen to the talk between Eddy and Judy and write if the statements below are true or false.
1 - False; 2 - True; 3 - False; 4 - True; 5 - False; 6 - True.
b) Listen again and answer the questions.
1. Judy asks why doesn't he play it if he loves it.
2. He goes to the Football Club three times a week.
3. Eddy does exercises every morning.
4. Judy uses the Internet for searching information.
Сторінка 42
3. a) Finish the sentences with words describing a character, as in the example.
1. Leila is nice., but she always talks a lot. She is very chatty.
2. Bill is never late for anything. He is very responsible.
3. Vicky feels nervous around new people. She is shy.
4. You can tell Mike any secrets you want. He is trustworthy.
5. Sue hates being alone and in the same place. She's outgoing.
6. George doesn't always think about others. He can be selfish.
b) Think about your family and friends. Write about their characters.Use the sentences in a) as examples.
My mother is nice and kind, but she is very strict.
My father is never late. He is very responsible.
My sister likes telling funny stories. She is so funny.
4. Look at the pictures and write about Tia's and Harry's appearance.
Tia is short and slim. She has got black long curly hair and brown eyes. Harry is long and a bit plump. He has got brown short hair and green eyes.
5. Think about one of your family members/friends. Write about his/her appearance and character.
My mother is not very tall. She has got black long hair and brown eyes. She is very kind and clever.
Сторінка 43
6. Circle the correct word.
1. I can't skate, so I won't go to the skating rink.
2. Jenny's behaviour is simple - she's nice and calm.
3. People differ in height: some are tall, some are short.
4. I love swimming - I will definitely go to the pool with you!
5. Jack doesn't like rollerblading, so let's go cycling instead.
6. It is your individual choice which club to join.
7. We all have differences, but friendship is important to all of us.
8. There are so many various clubs here! I don't know which one to join.
7. Look at the pictures and name the activities. Add any others that you can remember. Then tell your classmate which ones you like and why.
I like mountain climbing and skiing because I am energetic.
I don't like painting because I can't paint.
I like dancing and cooking.
I like hang out with friends because I am outgoing.
I don't like horse riding because it is dangerous.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит 6 клас Карпюк 2023 Англійська мова НУШ Лібра Терра
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