ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики Prepare 6. Grammar [Скрипнік І.Ю.] 2023

icon01.10.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon123, icon0

Сторінка 12:
1. Доповніть таблицю. Використайте форму present simple дієслова to be.

Negative sentences

was tired.
I wasn’t tired.
I tired?
Yes, you were
Не/Му friend
was tired.
He /My friend wasn't tired.
he/Jimmy tired ?
No be wasn't
She/ Му mum
was tired.
She/My mum wasn't tired.
she tired?
No, she wasn't
was tired.
It wasn't tired.
it tired?
Yes, if was
We / Lisa and
were tired.
We/Lisa and I weren’t tired.
we tired?
Yes we were
were tired.
You weren't tired.
you tired?
Yes, l was
They / Rachel and Tommy
were tired.
They / Rachel and Tommy weren't tired.
they tired?
No, they weren't
2. Доповніть діалог формою past simple дієслова to be.
1 - wasn't
2 - was
З - was
4 - were
5 - was
6 - were
7 - were
8 - were
3. Доповніть речення формою past simple дієслова to be.
1) The trip to France (was) terrible and we (were) upset after it.
2) On Saturday we went to the concert, but it (was) boring. I didn't like it at all.
3) Last weekend the weather (was) really lovely and we had a picnic in the park.
4) Yesterday we went snowboarding. It (was) not brilliant, but we (were) excited.
5) Last Sunday (was) a very special day for our family.
6) They didn't want to go with us because they (were) not interested in cycling.
4. Доповніть діалог формою past simple дієслова to be.
1 - was
4 - was
7 - were
10 - was
13 - was
16 - was
2 - was
5 - was
8 - was
11 - was
14 - was
17 - was
3 - was
6 - were
9 - were
12 - was
15 - was
18 - was
Сторінка 13:
5. Запишіть форму past simple дієслова to be, щоб доповнити запитання та відповіді.
1) A: Were you at the party yesterday?
B: No, I wasn't.
2) A: Was your best friend surprised?
B: Yes, she was.
3) A: Was the school trip fantastic?
B: Yes, it was.
4) A: Were the players very nervous?
B: No, they weren't.
5) A: Was your friend at the concert?
B: Yes, he was.
6. Складіть речення, використавши past simple.
1) Today the weather is really good, but it was terrible last week.
2) My friends and I are at school now, but we were at the concert on Sunday night.
3) Rachel is often late for her dance class, but she wasn't late yesterday.
4) My brother is not afraid of dogs now, but he was afraid of dogs when he was a child.
5) Vicky is not usually worried about her younger sister, but she was worried yesterday because she was late home.
6) I'm interested in skating now, but when I was 5 years old I wasn't interested in it.
7) My mum is usually at work on Monday, but she was at home last Monday because she was ill.
8) They are working this week, but last week they were on holiday and it was fun.
7. Доповніть листа Анни. Використайте форму present simple чи past simple дієслова to be.
1 - was
2 - was
3 - are
4 - am
5 - is
6 - was
7 - were
8 - was
9 - weren't
10 - were
11 - are

Сторінка 14 - 15: Тест
1 - е
5 - b
9 - а
13 - е
17 - b
21 - a
25 - c
29 - b
2 - е
6 - а
10 - c
14 - c
18 - b
22 - a
26 - a
30 - c
3 - є
7 - е
11 - a
15 - a
19 - a
23 - c
27 - b
31 - a
4 - а
8 - е
12 - b
16 - a
20 - b
24 - b
28 - b

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Зошит Зошит з граматики 2023 6 клас НУШ Скрипнік Лінгвіст
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