ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Збірник тестів [Карпюк К.Т., Карпюк О.Д.] 2024

icon22.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon150, icon0

Сторінка 32
1. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
1. The championship was won by them.
2. Our team had lost the match before that.
3. Why was the game played? - It was played in Kyiv.
4. If I have a headache, I go to bed.
5. Amanda watches films if she has some free time.
6. Ed is tired now because he hasn't slept well.
7. Which players were chosen? - These ones.
8. This old town was built 200 years ago.
9. Keep fit if you want to be healthy.
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Sue looks as if she is scared.
2. It was the most exciting game ever!
3. There are other ways to have fun.
4. I think this film is rather romantic.
5. You are not strong enough to do this.
6. Either Bill or Chad will be ready to go.
7. They need another tall actress for the play.
8. Ann is good at neither hockey nor skiing.
9. My tea was extremely hot, so I only took a few sips.
3. Circle the correct word.
1. Helen has a cut on her finger.
2. Tragedies are very sad.
3. The team scored two more points.
4. Ice hockey is played at a rink.
5. It looks like you've caught a cold.
6. There is a big screen at this cinema.
7. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
8. We've already packed all our luggage.
9. A thriller is an exciting film about crime.
4. Make your own nine sentences with the words from the box.
The attacker was caught by the police.
We saw a memorial for the fallen soldiers.
I need a prescription for my medicine.
The movie was very entertaining and fun.
I like films with subtitles for better understanding.
The book is based on real events.
This town is famous for its delicious food.
Athletes compete in the championship every year.
The hero tried to save the village from danger.
Сторінка 34
5. Read the film review and finish the sentences below.
1. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is a great sci-fi comedy.
2. Wayne has made a machine that can make people and things extremely small.
3. His children's names are Amy and Nick.
4. Ron's ball hits the machine when he is playing baseball.
5. Wayne cannot hear the kids because they are too small.
6. Amy, Nick, Ron, and Russ try to get back to the house.
7. In the end, the kids are turned back to their normal sizes.
8. This movie is not scary or sad but quite funny and exciting.

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