ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Збірник тестів [Карпюк К.Т., Карпюк О.Д.] 2024

icon22.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon150, icon0

Сторінка 25
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. The kids like this cartoon: it is almost funny.
2. I think this sci-fi film is better than that one.
3. We are extremely excited: Zendaya is here now!
4. They came too late - the play will start soon.
5. This actress is quite good, but I've seen more powerful ones.
6. The theatre is almost full: there are only two seats left.
7. Don't worry - this new thriller is not as scary as the last one.
8. Ed is so proud of himself - he acts as if he's a movie star.
2. Guess and write the words.
1. A theatre where mostly music is performed - musical theatre.
2. A film full of dancing and singing in it - musical.
3. A place in a theatre where actors perform - stage.
4. A person who is not honest with others - liar.
5. Words from films that appear below - subtitles.
6. A movie about events and people in the past - historical film.
7. To discover oneself in something - immerse.
8. To start a journey - embark.
Сторінка 26
3. Read the text and finish the sentences below.
1. Will Smith's place of birth is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2. He started rapping at the age of 12.
3. His first leading role made him really popular.
4. Some of his best movies include Men in Black, I, Robot, Hitch, Aladdin, and Spies in Disguise.
5. The sports drama film brought him an Oscar.
6. His other awards are: a Golden Globe, a BAFTA, and a SAG Award.
7. Many producers want him in their films because he can take almost every role and act in different types of films.
Сторінка 27
4. Listen to the dialogue and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1. Charlie is checking what films are on. - False.
2. She likes plays better than films. - True.
3. Actors cannot fly in theatres. - False.
4. You can have snacks in a theatre. - False.
5. People visit theatres to eat and drink there. - False.
6. Robert has been to a theatre only once. - True.
7. He watched The Lion King then. - False.
8. Everyone cried at the end of the play. - True.
9. There is a cafe near the theatre. - True.
10. Robert doesn't want to go to the theatre anyway. - False.
5. Write a short paragraph about cinema and theatre in your life. Include:
I prefer the cinema to the theatre. I enjoy films more because they have special effects and exciting stories. I have seen movies like "Aladdin" and "Hitch." In the theatre, I like the live performances, but they can be long. I appreciate the actors in plays, but I find films more entertaining. Overall, cinema is my favorite because it offers many different types of films.

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