ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Збірник тестів [Карпюк К.Т., Карпюк О.Д.] 2024

icon22.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon150, icon0

Сторінка 9
1. Turn the sentences into wh-questions, as in the example.
1. Ed has cooked me lunch. What has Ed cooked me?
2. You have made a mess. What have you made?
3. Tom has put the vegetables in the fridge. What has Tom put in the fridge?
4. Sarah has baked some biscuits. What has Sarah baked?
5. They have just served dinner. What have they just served?
6. I have used this knife. What have I used?
7. Sam has washed the dishes. What has Sam washed?
8. The microwave has turned off. What has the microwave turned off?
9. We have done it because of you. Why have we done it?
2. Guess and write the words.
1. You bake food in it. - oven.
2. You mix food with it. - whisk.
3. You eat soup with it. - spoon.
4. an electrical device - microwave.
5. to cut food - knife.
6. to become cold - cool.
7. to give someone a job - hire.
8. to press something with your fingers - squeeze.
Сторінка 10
3. Read the blog and finish the sentences.
1. National cuisine is both a style of cooking and traditional food.
2. In China, people have noodles.
3. Tom is from the United Kingdom.
4. There is no British cuisine because it includes dishes from various countries.
5. British people often eat beefsteak, fish and chips, and pudding.
6. Habits and traditions of the Brits include using a fork and knife and drinking tea with milk.
7. Tom believes manners matter more than food for politeness.
Сторінка 11
4. Listen to the recipe twice and put the sentences into the correct order.
1. Prepare 1/2 watermelon, 1 cucumber, 1 red onion, 80 g of vinegar, Feta cheese and salt (to taste).
2. Dice the watermelon.
3. Pour its juice into a glass.
4. Put the diced pieces into a bowl.
5. Also dice the cucumber.
6. Chop the onion.
7. Put all that into the bowl with the diced watermelon.
8. Add some salt.
9. Pour the watermelon juice and the vinegar into the bowl.
10. Stir everything with a tablespoon.
5. Choose a country and write a short paragraph about its cuisine and table manners. Include:
Italian cuisine is famous for its pasta and pizza. At the table, people keep their hands on the table and wait for everyone to be served. Special dishes include risotto and lasagna. Italians enjoy meals with family and friends, making dining a fun tradition.

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