ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Збірник тестів [Карпюк К.Т., Карпюк О.Д.] 2024

icon22.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon150, icon0

Сторінка 19
1. Put the questions to the answers below.
1. Was the game invented yesterday?
- Yes, it was. The game was invented yesterday.
2. Which kinds of sport were chosen?
- Tennis and baseball. These kinds of sport were chosen.
3. Where was Lia Lewis born?
- In London. Lia Lewis was born there.
4. Were the Olympic Games held in May?
- No, they weren't. The Olympic Games weren't held in May.
5. Were the fans greeted at the end?
- Yes, they were. The fans were greeted at the end.
6. Who was defeated in the game?
- Allan was. He was defeated in the game.
7. Was Tyler Adams asked any questions?
- No, he wasn't. Tyler Adams wasn't asked any questions.
8. When were all the athletes interviewed?
- After the championship. All the athletes were interviewed then.
2. Circle the correct word.
1. They play basketball on the school court.
2. The athlete was given a bronze medal.
3. You need to be strong to do weightlifting.
4. The seats are parallel to the football field.
5. We competed in this championship last year.
6. The match turned out to be really exciting!
7. Our home team won - they scored 10 goals to 9!
8. Windsurfing is a dangerous sport but I want to try it.
Сторінка 20
3. Read the text and choose a or b.
1. What idea do people often have about sport?
a) It is good for your health.
2. What does sport also include?
a) discipline and competition.
3. Apart from sport, what do many athletes do?
a) travel.
4. Why do we need passion, self-belief and a wish to win?
b) to be the best at what we do.
5. Who are competitors?
b) people against whom you play.
6. Why do we need to know them well?
a) to understand what they are and aren't able to do.
7. What is sport in general?
b) the way you look, feel, live and think.
Сторінка 21
4. Listen to the audio twice and complete the sentences.
1. Andrei Shevchenko is a famous Ukrainian footballer.
2. He was born on the 29th of September 1976.
3. His first team was Dynamo Kyiv.
4. He was named one of the top strikers in Europe.
5. He won the UEFA Champions League in 2003.
6. He played in such foreign countries as England and Italy.
7. He was one of the top 100 best footballers as part of FIFA's 100th anniversary.
8. He trained the Ukrainian national football team for Euro 2020.
9. He is no longer a football player.
10. He and his family lead a healthy life anyway.
5. Write a short paragraph about games and championships as part of sport. Include:
Games and championships are important in sports. They are good because they promote teamwork and competition. Athletes need to train hard and stay focused to win. Some well-known championships are the Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup, and the Super Bowl. These events bring people together and create excitement.

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