ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Збірник тестів [Карпюк К.Т., Карпюк О.Д.] 2024

icon22.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon150, icon0

Сторінка 22
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Past Perfect.
1. If it is cold, I put on a jumper.
2. I had finished everything before you came.
3. We will call an ambulance if there's an accident.
4. If Jack has the flu, he always stays at home.
5. Ricky had been already at hospital that day.
6. They had not told me anything before that happened.
7. Edward never says anything if he is not sure.
8. George went to meet Chris by 6 pm yesterday.
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. I think Jeremy has caught a cold.
2. The doctor prescribed Tom these pills.
3. I've made an appointment with my dentist.
4. John was given first aid immediately.
5. Jen reacted quickly when she heard us coughing.
6. Dave has a sore throat, so he can't speak.
7. Wendy was sneezing a lot, so I gave her a tissue.
8. The kids have to take this medicine for a week.
Сторінка 23
3. Read the paragraph from Lilly's diary and correct the sentences below.
1. Lilly had a wonderful Monday.
Monday was terrible.
2. She woke up because her sister called her.
She woke up because her sister screamed in pain.
3. Lucy broke her finger.
Lucy cut her finger.
4. Lilly had a backache in the morning.
Lilly had a headache.
5. The teacher sent Michael to hospital.
The teacher sent Michael home.
6. Lilly feels fine today.
Lilly seems to have the flu.
7. The doctor told her to walk a lot.
The doctor told her to relax a lot.
Сторінка 24
4. Listen to the dialogue and complete the table below.
fell down the stairs
a bruise
put ice on it
has a cold
sneezes a lot, sore throat
take some pills
5. Write a short paragraph about the last time you felt ill. Include:
The last time I felt ill was last week. I caught a cold and had a sore throat. I was sneezing a lot and felt very tired. My friend helped me by bringing some medicine and making me soup. I stayed in bed and tried to rest. The doctor told me to relax and drink plenty of water. After a few days, I started to feel better.

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