ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024
Round-up 2
Сторінка 25A. Match.
1-b; 2-а; 3-є; 4-h; 5-d; 6-f; 7-g; 8-е.
1. design - b. a website.
2. receive - a. an email.
3. post - e. photos on a website.
4. click - h. on a link.
5. connect - d. to the charger.
6. delete - f. a document.
7. turn off - g. the mobile phone.
8. enter - c. your password.
В. Circle the correct options.
1. Kate felt bad when she spilt the tea all over her friend's shirt.
2. Kevin and his sister made a tower, but their dad stepped on it and it fell.
3. All the pictures came out of the printer in black and white. I can't use them in my project now.
4. You can save photos and documents on a USB stick to carry with you all the time.
5. While the boy was walking, he tripped over some rocks and fell down.
6. You can add photos or videos on your blog!
C. Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. We were watching TV when suddenly it got dark.
2. Rose was reading a book while I was watching a film.
3. Jane was jogging in the park when she tripped and hurt her knee.
4. They weren't having dinner when I called them. They were watching a film.
5. The baby started crying as soon as she heard the loud noise.
6. It was raining while I was driving to work yesterday.
7. Mum was cooking while dad was watching the plants in the garden.
8. I did not know how to use a computer when I was four years old.
Сторінка 26
D. Choose a, b or c.
1-е; 2-а; 3-b; 4-b; 5-а; 6-е; 7-b; 8-а.
1. My father c. didn't let me take his car yesterday.
2. Sam didn't take part in the competition because he a. couldn't run.
3. How long b. did It take to build the Eiffel Tower?
4. My brother b. finished school in 2018.
5. Robert left about an hour a. ago.
6. Mandy c. used to ride her bike to school every day when she was nine years old.
7. Fay was doing her homework b. while her brother was taking exams at university.
8. I a. was watching TV when my dad returned from work.
E. Read the advertisements below. Then read the sentences 1-5 and write A, В or C.
1-е; 2-а; 3-c; 4-а; 5-b.
1. You can enter competitions with this. - e.
2. You need a phone to use it. - a.
3. It comes in different colours. - c.
4. It can give you tips on your wardrobe choices. - a.
5. It can understand you when you speak. - b.