ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024

icon24.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon502, icon0

Сторінка 27
A. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1. I'm almost ready for our trip. I just have to pack my suitcase.
2. When we visited Iceland, we hiked to the top of a volcano.
3. I love drinking tea in my favourite mall.
4. My parents are going to an island for the summer and I have to look after their cat.
5. Did you take your swimming suit and your sunscreen? We will be on the beach all day.
6. We're late! Come on! We're going to miss the flight to Italy.
В. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
Wendy: Hey. Tina. What are you up to?
Tina: Well, my aunt and I love travelling abroad. This year, we want to go somewhere where we can go skiing, so I'm looking for information online!
Wendy: Why don't you (1) go on a trip to France then?
Tina: Great ideal I can (2) book a trip to France online!
Wendy: I went with my parents last year.
Tina: You're joking I
Wendy: I'm not! It was fun! Need any help?
Tina: Yes. please. Which ski resort did you (3) stay at?
Wendy: I don't remember the name. It's a great resort though. It's close to a lot of restaurants, so you can (4) try some local food, and there are many small shops where you can (5) buy souvenirs.
Tina: Can you do me a favour and ask your mum for the name of the resort?
Wendy: No problem!
Tina: Thanks. Now. I probably need to find my passport. Can you (6) hand me that bag over there, please?
C. Rewrite the sentences using compound adjectives.
1. The flight time from my town to the capital is three hours.
It's a three-hour flight from my town to the capital.
2. On Mondays I always have a piano lesson which lasts for two hours.
On Mondays, I always have two-hour piano lessons.
3. My parents are going on a trip for five days this summer.
My parents are going on a five-day trip this summer.
4. We’ve got a car that is five years old.
We’ve got a five-year old car.
Сторінка 28
D. Look at Tony's holiday plan and write sentences, as in the example. Use the Future be going to and the prompts.
1. On Monday Tony isn’t going to arrive in London in the morning. He's going to arrive at 11 at night.
2. On Tuesday Tony isn't going to visit a museum. He is going to go sightseeing.
3. On Wednesday, Tony isn't going to go to Green Park. He is going to visit Hyde Park.
4. On Thursday Tony isn't going to meet friends for coffee. He is going to meet friends for dinner.
E. Answer the questions about yourself.
1. Are you going to go shopping tomorrow? - Yes, I am going shopping tomorrow.
2. Are you going to play board games this weekend? - No, I am not going to play board games this weekend.
3. Are you going to meet your friends in an hour? - Yes, I am going to meet friends in an hour.
4. Are you going to go to bed early tonight? - Yes, I am going to go to bed early tonight.

iconГДЗ 7 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2024 Лінгвіст НУШ Мітчелл Малкоґіанні
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