ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024
Сторінка 19A. Circle the correct options.
1. There was a power cut yesterday and we didn't have a torch.
2. The lights in my bedroom went out and it was dark.
3. It was raining earlier and I slipped on some wet leaves. Next time I will look out for them.
4. He spilt the hot soup and burnt his hand.
5. Be careful with those scissors. You don’t want to get hurt.
В. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
1. Gregg was running to class when he tripped over Mike.
2. Liz didn't see the water on the floor and she slipped.
3. Carol was shocked when she spilled the coffee on her laptop.
4. Andy said sorry when he stepped my foot.
5. While we were hiking, Steven knocked over a rock and fell down.
C. Complete the dialogues with the Past Progressive of the verbs in the box.
1. A: Why (1) was Penny screaming?
B: Because she cut her finger while she (2) was making a salad.
A: Is she OK?
B: Yes, it was a small cut. She just got scared because it (3) was bleeding.
2. A: Hey, Leyla. I'm sorry for calling so late.
B: Don't worry. We (4) weren't sleeping. Are you OK?
A: Not really. I (5) was cleaning the windows when I fell off the chair. I think I sprained my ankle and I’m home alone. Can you take me to the hospital?
B: Sure.
Сторінка 20
D. Look at the picture and write what the people were doing before the accident. Use the prompts in the box.
1. Paul and Kevin were sitting outside.
2. Paul and Kevin were reading newspapers.
3. Bob was coming out of the cafe.
4. Bob was carrying club sandwich.
5. Robert was running.
6. Robert was talking on the phone.
E. Write sentences using the prompts given and the words on the right. Use the Past Simple and the Past Progressive.
1. While I was driving home, I got a flat tyre.
2. When I was walking to school, I met a friend.
3. As soon as I went outside it started raining heavily.
4. When I heard a noise in the kitchen, my mum screamed.
5. While I was making a dinner, the phone rang.