ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024
Сторінка 34A. Label the pictures.
1 - tent; 2 - whistle; 3 - first aid kit; 4 - sleeping bag.
B. Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-f.
1-b; 2-е; 3-c; 4-а; 5-f; 6-d.
Alex: Hey. Brad! What are you doing?
Brad: I'm looking for campsites. I want to go on a camping trip this summer. Would you like to join me?
Alex: No. thanks. (1) b. I think camping is boring.
Brad: It Isn't boring! I went on a camping trip last summer.
Alex: (2) e. Did you like it?
Brad: Yes. I loved it! I made a lot of new friends. We put our tents close to each other and It was great fun! This summer. I want to go to a campsite where you don't need to bring a tent. (3) c. I believe it's more convenient.
Alex: Hmmm... My cousin stayed at Happy Times Campsite for five nights last summer.
Brad: (4) a. How was it?
Alex: He said it was worth the cost. He only needed a sleeping bag and some insect repellent, because there were a lot of insects. Oh! It had a Wi-Fi connection too!
Brad: Really? Perfect! (5) f. In my opinion, a Wi-Fi connection is really important!
Alex: (6) d. I agree.
Brad: Well, thank you! You were very helpful!
C. Sam's comment on the Outdoor Fun blog has several mistakes. They have been underlined and marked using the correction code shown. Read it andcorrect the mistakes.
My name's Sam. I love adventure, and camping is a great way to experience it. Last weekend, I went to this great place where you can fish on the lake, explore on horseback and sit around a fire and tell stories. I thought the campsite facilities provided were excellent. They had a good Wi-Fi connection and lots of activities to do in groups. We also went on a few hiking trips and some long walks. I think it is a great place to visit. Has anyone else been camping.