ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024

icon24.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon502, icon0

Сторінка 50
A. Circle the correct words.
Steak House
Do you feel like having a 1. mouth-watering steak?
Then come to Steve's Steak House! It has over 20 different types of steaks, so you are sure to find one that is perfect for you. It is difficult to 2. resist on Chef Steve's 3. juicy beef steak with his famous 4. spicy chili sauce. Of course, steaks are not the only dishes you can order. It is also worth trying a(n) 5. appetiser like the tomato and onion soup or one of their 6. sweet desserts. The restaurant is very modern and the environment is extremely relaxing. That's why you need to 7. make a reservation at least a week in advance.
В. Complete the dialogues with some, any, no or every and their compounds.
1. A: Hey, Matt. Would you like (1) something to drink?
B: Hey. Jack. Sure. Can I have a lemonade, please?
A: Sorry, I haven't got (2)any. Would you like (3) some water instead?
B: Sure, thanks.
2. A: Mandy, can you give me (4) any help with my science homework, please? Are there (5) some penguins in hot countries?
B: Let me see... Actually, yes’ There is a penguin species that lives in the Galapagos Islands. But there are (6) no other penguin species living in hot places.
A: Wow! I see. Thank you for your help!
3. A: Hey, did you hear that?
B: Yeah. I heard a noise coming from the kitchen.
A: Do you think (7) something is in there?
В: I don't know. Maybe (8) something fell on the floor. I’ll go check.
A: So, was (9) anything there?
B: No, and (10) nothing had fallen on the floor.
4. A: Have you seen my yellow T-shirt? I can't find it (11) anywhere.
В: I'm sure it's (12) somewhere in your wardrobe. Have you looked there?
A: Of course. It's (13) nowhere in my bedroom. I've looked (14) everywhere.
B: Maybe your sister took it.
Сторінка 51
C. Complete the sentences using other, the other(s) or another.
1. I only like one film by this director. I'm not a fan of the others.
2. I failed the exam, but my teacher gave me another chance and let me take it again.
3. Don't buy the blue dress. - Another one is nicer.
4. Are there any other questions before we begin?
5. A: Is the English lesson here?
B: No, it's in the other classroom, but I'm not sure which one.
6. I'd like to join you, but I'm busy this afternoon. Can we go some other day?
D. Complete the dialogues.
Host: How can I help you?
You: (1) Can I book a table?
Host: For how many people?
You: Just two.
Host: OK. Could you be here at 8 p.m.?
You: (3) Of course.
Host: All right. Can I have your name, please?
You: (4) David Jackson.
Host: OK. Thank you for calling.
Waitress: Hello. Are you ready to order?
You: (5) Mmm.. Can you advice us something special?
Waitress: Well, for the main course. I recommend the crispy chicken.
You: (6) Sounds tasty. We will order it.
Waitress: OK. What would you like with that, rice or French fries?
You: (7) Rice, please.
Waitress: Good choice. Would you like anything for dessert?
You: (8) Nothing, thanks.
Waitress: Would you like something to drink?
You: (9) Apple juice, please.
Waitress: OK, thank you.

iconГДЗ 7 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2024 Лінгвіст НУШ Мітчелл Малкоґіанні
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