ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024
Round-up 5
Сторінка 54A. Choose a, b or c.
1-е; 2-b; 3-b; 4-а; 5-е.
1. Jenny doesn't like green vegetables like c. spinach.
2. Dexter eats too many snacks. That is why he has put b. on weight.
3. You need a b. knife to cut the bread.
4. Can you a. grate some cheese, please? I want to put some on my pasta.
5. May's party is on Friday. I hope you can c. make it.
В. Circle the correct words.
1. Lucas is planning a get-together at his new house.
2. Let me buy this for you. It's my treat!
3. I couldn't persuade James to come to the football match. He doesn't want to go out tonight.
4. We are going to that new restaurant tonight. I have reserved a table.
5. Does this restaurant have any vegetarian dishes? I don't eat meat.
6. I bought a bar of chocolate. Do you want some?
7. I need some advice. How do I make sushi?
8. You must stir the mixture well before pouring it into the oven dish.
C. Circle the correct words.
1. Don't pour much water into the mixture.
2. I only want a little sugar in my coffee, please.
3. There is plenty of cake left. Do you want a piece?
4. There was lots of tomato in the salad.
5. We won't be late. We have too much time.
6. Don't put too much cheese on my pasta, please.
7. There are many ways to make this dish.
8. There might be a few oranges in the kitchen.
D. Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets
1. When we arrived at the restaurant, Ian had already left.
2. Until we went to the concert, we had spent all day on the beach.
3. Ellie came home after James had finished his homework.
4. By the time we arrived, the basketball game had already started.
5. Sally had not tried Chinese food before she visited China.
6. Had Ted did the washing-up by the time you got home?
E. Circle the correct words.
1. Everybody enjoyed the new film at the cinema.
2. A: Is there any cake left?
B: Yes, it's on the table.
3. Look in the kitchen. You will find everything that you need.
4. I have something to ask you. Can I borrow your laptop tonight?
5. There is no milk in the fridge. Can you buy some when you go to the supermarket?
6. Nobody from my sister's class came to her performance. She is really upset.
7. Anybody can learn how to cook. You just need the right recipes.
8. I had left the game controller somewhere in my bedroom, but I can't see it anywhere.
Сторінка 55
F. Complete the sentences with other, the othert(s) or another.
1. A: Would you like anything else?
B: Yes please. I'd like another glass of water, please.
2. I don't like my neighbourhood. I think I would like to move to area.
3. I'm going to wear the yellow dress. I don't like the other one.
4. A: Come on! We have to leave!
B: Hang on! Let me tell the other.
5. Are there any other clothes shops in this area?
G. Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c. 1-b; 2-е; 3-c; 4-b; 5-b.
1. Why did Jake write the text?
b. to describe his experience with a local dish.
2. Why did Jake go to the kitchen?
c. because he wanted to learn how to do something.
3. What are some of the ingredients used to make Poke?
c. chilli peppers, onions and sea salt.
4. What is soy sauce?
b. something used in Poke.
5. Why did Jake go back to the restaurant?
b. to eat some more Poke.