ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Збірник тестів [Карпюк К.Т., Карпюк О.Д.] 2024

icon22.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon150, icon0

Сторінка 6
1. Put the wh-questions to the answers below.
1. When did you take out the garbage?
- Yesterday. I took out the garbage then.
2. Who walked the dog last time?
- Bill did. He walked the dog last time.
3. What were you doing?
- We were mopping the floor.
4. Where was Ann doing the hoovering?
- In the living room. Ann was doing the hoovering there.
5. Why did Sam tidy her room?
- Sam tidied her room because it was dirty.
6. What were they doing?
- They were drying the dishes because I told them to.
7. Which cup did Mack break?
- This one. Mack broke this cup.
8. Who was making that noise?
- The cat was. It was making that noise.
2. Circle the correct word.
1. We fed our dog because it was hungry.
2. Helen cooked the soup in this big frying pot.
3. Adam used the oven to bake a cake for Jessica.
4. You wash your clothes in a washing machine.
5. I was sweeping the floor with my vacuum cleaner.
6. Our mother always does the shopping at a supermarket.
7. My little sister Amy often spills her milk on the tablecloth.
8. After my parents got divorced, I helped my mum with the cleaning.
Сторінка 7
3. Read the paragraph from Eddy's diary and answer the questions.
1. Where did Eddy sweep the floor last week?
Eddy swept the floor in the whole living room last week.
2. What was his big brother doing then?
His big brother, Tom, was washing a few dishes in the kitchen.
3. Why did Dad do the cleaning yesterday?
Dad did the cleaning yesterday because Mum was at work.
4. Who did he ask to help him?
He asked Eddy and Tom to help him.
5. Which chores did Tom have to do?
Mopping the bathroom and hoovering the hall.
6. What was Dad doing while Eddy was with the dog in the park?
Doing the washing-up and ironing.
7. Where were Dad, Tom and Eddy making dinner?
Dad, Tom, and Eddy were making dinner in the kitchen.
Сторінка 8
4. Listen to the talk twice and fill in the names Emma, Amy or Adam.
1. Adam will mop the floor.
2. Amy will do the hoovering.
3. Adam will wash and dry the dishes.
4. Amy will walk the dog.
5. They will make dinner.
5. Write a short paragraph about the cleaning at your house. Say:
Cleaning is important in our house because it keeps everything neat and healthy. My parents do the big chores like vacuuming and mopping the floors, while I wash the dishes and dust the furniture. My little sibling takes out the trash and cleans their room. It is good to keep everything clean because it stops germs from spreading and makes our home nice to live in. A clean house helps us find things easily and enjoy our time together as a family.

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