ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024

icon24.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon502, icon0

Сторінка 6
A. Complete the phrases with the verbs in the box.
1. take out the rubbish;
2. tidy my room;
3. cook a meal;
4. wash my car;
5. do the washing up.
В. Complete the sentences with the words in the boxes.
1. a. I can't come to the park with you, because I’m bust with housework.
b. I always walk to school because I want to stay active.
c. I feel so lazy today! I don't want to hoover the house.
2. a. I'm usually very tired after football training.
b. I live on the fifth floor, so I always take the lift because the stairs are tiring.
3. a. Come over to my house after school. We can relax on the sofa and watch TV.
b. "I don't want to tidy my room. I want to hang out with my friends at the park.
C. Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs of frequency in brackets.
1. I don't usually do the washing-up after dinner.
2. I never invite people to my house on weekdays.
3. Jessica is always careful when she irons her clothes.
4. My mum often cooks spaghetti on Fridays.
5. Tom sometimes relaxes on the sofa for an hour before he does his homework.
Сторінка 7
D. Write questions using How often and the prompts given. Then look at Mandy's schedule and answer them, as in the example.
1. How often does Mandy tidy her room? - Three times a week.
2. How often does Mandy do the washing-up? - Seven times a week.
3. How often does Mandy help her mum to cook dinner? - Twice a week.
4. How often does Mandy clean windows? - Once a week.
E. Complete the dialogue with the questions a-e. There is one extra question.
A: Hey. Tina! (1) b. Do you do chores at home?
B: Of course. My parents often need help with the housework.
A: I see. (2) d. Which chores do you do?
B: Well, I tidy my room and I do the washing-up. (3) e. What about you?
A: I usually wash the car and I clean the windows once a week. (4) a. How often do you do the washing-up?
B: Hmm... about five times a week. I usually do it after dinner.
F. Write about your weekend using adverbs of frequency. Use your own ideas or choose from the list.
I usually get up late on weekends. I often tidy up my room and help parents with the housework. In the afternoon I usually hang out with my friends. We often play football outside or ride a bike. I always go to bed late on weekends.

iconГДЗ 7 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2024 Лінгвіст НУШ Мітчелл Малкоґіанні
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