ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024
Round-up 6
Сторінка 65A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. My brother promised not to use my things without asking me first.
2. I want to become a volunteer and help protect endangered species.
3. My favourite subject is science because I really enjoy doing experiments.
4. Toxic waste from factories pollutes the seas, lakes and rivers.
5. We learnt at school today that it's very important to recycle plastic, aluminum and paper to reduce rubbish.
6. The environmental group removed all the rubbish and plastic bags from the beach.
7. There is always a lot of smog in the city centre.
8. I love jogging early in the morning, so I can enjoy the beautiful sunrise.
В. Choose a or b.
1-а; 2-b; 3-b; 4-а; 5-b; 6-а; 7-b.
1. All this rubbish a. comes from people who throw everything away. We need to recycle more.
2. Scientists have b. predicted that many coastal areas will flood more often in the future.
3. We didn't enjoy our picnic at the park because it was b. cloudy.
4. Our school collected clothes and food to give to a. homeless people.
5. We must stop cutting down trees if we want to b. prevent habitat loss.
6. a. Acid rain can destroy plants and even buildings.
7. When I go to the city centre. I find it difficult to b. breathe because of the air pollution.
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C. Complete the dialogues with the phrases (a-e) in the box.
1-е; 2-е; 3-a; 4-d; 5-b.
1. A: Hey. Pete! e. Can I ask for a favour?
B: Sure. Ask me.
2. c. I can't be bothered to finish this project today. I'll finish it tomorrow.
3. What are you doing there? You can't carry this heavy box by yourself, a. I'll give you a hand.
4. A: My old mobile phone doesn't work. Can I throw it in the rubbish bin?
B: d. I'm afraid not. There are special bins for throwing away old gadgets and devices.
5. A: Helio, Mandy! My printer isn't working and I can't print out my history project. Can I use your printer?
B: Sure. b. What are friends for?
D. Look at the pictures and use can, could, will, would or might to make sentences.
1. Can you help me to tidy the living room?
2. Will you order the dessert?
3. Can I borrow shirt for tonight?
4. Would you get something to eat?
E. Read the sentences below and tick (+) the correct ones.
1-а; 2-а; 3-b; 4-b.
1. a. I think I'll be a writer when I grow up.
2. a. My brother is going to join the school band. He plays the violin very well.
3. b. Joey will get a good mark. He's very good at maths.
4. b. In the future, robots are going to teach in schools.
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F. Read the advertisements and write sentences with if or Unless and the verbs given, as in the example.
1. If you buy one pair of shoes, you'll get a discount on the second pair.
2. Unless you come to Willmington Zoo, you wont see baby giraffes.
3. If you win the race, you will receive a 150 pounds prize.
4. If you join karate, you will get first month free.
G. Read the text and write T for True or F for False.
1. All the climbers climbed to the top of the mountain. - True.
2. Jim Thorne and the other climbers got lost in the snowstorm. - False.
3. Jim Thorne said. 'It was easy to get to the campsite.' - False.
4. Six of the climbers didn't get to the campsite. - False.
5. Thorne and the others went back to find the missing climbers. - False.