ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024

icon24.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon502, icon0

Сторінка 74
A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Angela has got a temperature.
2. Peter has got a headache.
3. Jack has got a toothache.
4. Lucy has got an earache
5. Stacey has got the cough.
6. Laura has got a stomach ache.
7. Paul has got a flue.
8. Kim has got a sore throat.
В. Circle the correct words.
1. The pain will go away if you take some medicine.
2. You should go to bed early tonight or else you'll be tired tomorrow.
3. I couldn't stay at Tim's house a minute longer. The music was too loud.
4. Scott has got a temperature and has to stay in bed for a while. I think he's got the flu.
C. Complete with a, an or the.
1. Tim: Do you want to come to (1) the cinema?
Sally: Sorry, I've got (2) a first aid course this evening.
Tim: I want to learn first aid too.
Sally: Why don’t you come with me? You’ll love it. (3) The teacher is very good.
Tim: I can't come. I have (4) an Italian lesson.
Sally: OK. Maybe next time.
2. Vic: Have you ever been to (5) the Pyramids in Egypt?
Lee: Yes. I visited them last year when I was in Cairo. I also went on
(6) a cruise down (7) the Nile.
Vic: Really? Was it nice?
Lee: Fantastic! (8) The boat took us to Aswan.
Vic: Tell me something. Was (9) the cruise expensive?
Lee: Not really.
Сторінка 75
D. Read and complete the text. Use the or
1. The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
2. Mount Everest is in the Himalayas.
3. The UK and Ireland are countries in the north of Europe.
4. If you go to the Parliament Square, you will see Big Ben.
5. I saw an insect fly into the room. I think it was a bee.
6. Derek has been to Amazon River, and he wants to visit Lake Hillier next year.
7. The Carpathian National Nature Park is in Ukraine.
8. Mercury is smaller than Earth. Actually, Mercury is the smallest planet.
E. Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-e.
Kelly: (1) e. What's wrong with you? You look like you haven't slept all night.
Gwen: I haven't. (2) c. I had a terrible toothache.
Kelly: Oh, no! Why didn't you take some medicine?
Gwen: I couldn't because my stomach hurts as well.
Kelly: Poor you! (3) d. Have you eaten anything this morning?
Gwen: Yes. I have. I had some of the sweets my mum bought me last night.
Kelly: Are you crazy? OK! Here's some advice. (4) a. You should stop eating sweets. Go and see your dentist or else your toothache will get worse.
Gwen: OK, OK! You don't have to shout! You're giving me an earache too.
Kelly: Sorry. (5) b. Do you want me to come with you?
Gwen: No, it's OK. My mum can take me. Thanks.

iconГДЗ 7 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2024 Лінгвіст НУШ Мітчелл Малкоґіанні
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