ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024
Сторінка 58A. Choose a or b.
1-b; 2-b; 3-a; 4-а; 5-b; 6-а; 7-b; 8-b.
1. The car accident was b. caused by the driver. He fell asleep at the wheel.
2. You can b. prevent getting sick by eating lots of fruit and exercising often.
3. Plastic, metal and glass are a. materials that can easily be recycled.
4. Be careful! You might a. harm yourself with that sharp knife.
5. I live in the city centre and there is always a lot of b. smog.
6. I love sitting on the beach and watching the a. waves.
7. If large businesses keep building factories, they will b. pollute air pollution.
8. When washing your hands, remember to b. rub them together with soap and water for more than 40 seconds.
В. Match. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
1. oil - c. spill.
2. toxic - d. waste.
3. air - a. pollution.
4. acid - b. rain.
1. Toxic waste is harmful to people, whether it is found in the ground or in the water. It can cause many diseases.
2. The air pollution in the city because of the traffic makes it very difficult to breathe.
3. The oil spill from ships should always be cleaned up afterwards.
4. Our science teacher showed us what acid rain is with an experiment.
C. Complete the sentences with the Future will of the verbs in the box.
1. Charlie and Jill probably will get married next year. We just have to wait and see.
2. I think the Mariners will win the game tonight. What do you think?
3. Scientists believe that there will not be any clean water to drink in the future.
4. Will your class visit the zoo tomorrow?
5. I think you will become a very successful manager one day.
6. In the future, people will not do any housework. Machines will do everything.
Сторінка 59
D. Riverside's government has put up posters about he/ping the environment. What are the promises the government has made? Make sentences using the prompts given.
1. The government will fine businesses that harm the environment
2. The government will not build new factories.
3. The government will plant more trees.
4. The government will put more recycling bins in streets.
5. The government will organise environmental events.
6. The government will increase the cost for plastic bags in supermarkets.
E. What will you do to help the environment? Answer the questions about yourself.
1. Will you ride your bike to school? - Yes, I will. It is a good idea.
2. Will you collect the rubbish from the parks? - Yes, of course.
3. Will you start recycling plastic, metal and glass? - Yes, if there will be appropriate service.
4. Will you throw rubbish in the rivers? - No! Never!