ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.] 2021

icon12.09.2021, icon8 Клас / Англійська мова, icon15 100, icon0

Reader. Unit 5. People, Countries, Lifestyle: the UK and Ukraine
1. Answer the questions.
1. Yes, I like travelling very much.
2. I think that all my trips were exciting but sometimes we had some troubles.
3. I have not read the story «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defoe yet.
4. I would feel very lonely if I happened to live on a desert island because of some reason.
2. Match the words (1–8) from the story with their definitions (a–h).
1. A hatchet h) a small axe with a short handle.
2. A pouch d) a small bag, usually made of leather, and often carried in a pocket or attached to the belt.
3. A stake e) a wooden post that is pointed at one end and pushed into the ground in order to support something or to mark a place.
4. A savage f) an offensive word for somebody who belongs to a tribe that is primitive, not developed and aggressive.
5. A vine g) a climbing plant that produces grapes.
6. A shot b) a bullet or a large number of small metal balls that you fire together from the gun.
7. A powder a) a dry mass of very small pieces of explosive substance.
8. A pen c) a small piece of land surrounded by the fence in which farm animals are kept.
3. Choose the correct word from Ex. 2 to complete the sentences.
1. In my belt was my best hatchet.
2. In my pouch I had plenty of powder and shot.
3. If it were an island, there might be savages on it whom it would not be safe for me to meet.
4. Sometimes I shut myself up in a little pen made up by tall stakes.
5. Here, too, were fine woods, with many strange trees and vines.
5. Choose the correct item to complete the sentences.
1. Robinson Crusoe had long wished to see the whole of his island b).
2. Far in the distance he could see land c).
3. If it were an island, it would not be safe for him to met savages b).
4. He found this side of the island much more beautiful than that where his castle was b).
5. Robinson Crusoe travelled very slowly around the island, for he wished to see everything a).
6. During his travel Robinson Crusoe saw different animals, parrots, turtles and seabirds b).
6. Answer the questions.
1. Robinson Crusoe had long wished to see the whole of his island.
2. Towards evening he came to a fine open place close by the sea.
3. Far in the distance he saw land.
4. Yes, he saw a lot of different animals and birds.
5. At night he sometimes slept in a tree and sometimes he shut himself up in a little pen made by tall stakes.
6. During his travel he caught a kid.
7. Number the events in order they happen in the story.
1. G. Robinson Crusoe had long wished to see the whole of his island.
2. E. One fine morning, he set out to travel across to the other side of the island.
3. D. Far in the distance he could see land.
4. F. He saw many green parrots among the trees, so he wanted to catch one of them and teach it to talk.
5. C. In the low grounds Robinson saw some animals that looked like rabbits and foxes.
6. B. At night he sometimes slept in a tree, while his dog watched below him.
7. A. One day his dog caught a young kid.
8. Complete the statement.
The text is about the travel of Robinson Crusoe to the other side of the island.
10. Complete the sentences given below.
1. The nature of the island was wonderful. He could see large, open fields, green with grass and sweet with flowers, fine woods with many strange trees and vines.
2. Robinson Crusoe had a great journey because he could see beautiful nature and a lot of animals and birds there.

iconГДЗ 8 клас Підручник Генеза Англійська мова 2021 Несвіт
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