ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.] 2021

icon12.09.2021, icon8 Клас / Англійська мова, icon15 780, icon0

Unit 5. Lesson 14. Countries in the News
2. Read the magazine article and say what the main characteristics of the Ukrainian people are.
People in Ukraine
Ukrainians are tolerant, hospitable, reserved and kind people. They are also open-Hearted, warm and generous, hard-working and skillful, brave, determined and ready for self sacrifice. Ukrainians are passionate and talented.
3. Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False). Add information to the true statements and correct the false ones.
1. False. Ukrainians inhabited the territory in southeastern Europe, that is now Ukraine, since prehistoric times.
2. True. Ukraine became independent on August 24th, 1991.
3. True. Ukrainians comprise the biggest part, about 78%, of the whole population of Ukraine. The second part of 17% comprise Russians.
4. False. The Ukrainian language occupies the twenty second place among the world languages.
5. False. The main characteristic features of Ukrainians are tolerance, hospitality, generosity and a lot of others.
6. False. Ukrainians have great sense of humour.
7. True. Ukrainians express their sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land in their songs.
8. False. Ukraine gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the world.
4. Say what these numbers refer to:
80% of Ukrainian people describe themselves as tolerant people. 73% of Ukrainian people describe themselves as hospitable to foreigners. 71% of Ukrainian people describe themselves as reserved people. Ukrainian language occupies the 22nd place among the world languages and the 2nd place after Russian among the Slavonic languages.
Conversation Lab
6. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1. Everybody is saying that Nadal will win the match, but I’m not so sure.
2. If anybody has any questions, they’re welcome to come and ask me.
3. Nobody in my family eats meat.
4. Somebody stole my wallet yesterday. He took it from my desk.
5. Helena sent twenty job applications but nobody replied.
6. My home town is the same as it was twenty years ago; nothing has changed!

iconГДЗ 8 клас Підручник Генеза Англійська мова 2021 Несвіт
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