ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит з граматики [Карпюк К.Т.] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon1 368, icon0

Сторінка 15
1. a) Tick the correct sentences.
1. I am reading a book at the moment.
4. Kate and Kim aren't dancing now.
5. Tom is cooking in the kitchen.
b) Correct and rewrite the wrong sentences.
Sam is playing tennis with Bob now. David is swimming in the sea.
Cari is not singing in the club right now.
2. Change the sentences from the Present Simple into the Present Continuous.
1. Rob plays hockey. Rob is playing hockey now.
2. We walk in the park together. We are walking in the park together.
3. I don't clean the house today. I am not cleaning the house today.
4. Phil and John make a mess in the living room.
Phil and John are making a mess in the living room.
5. Diana doesn't do homework in her room.
Diana is not doing her homework in the room.
6. They don't compete with each other.
They are not competing with each other.
3. Look at the pictures and write what everyone is doing.
Jane is painting a picture. Ryan is riding a bike. Nick, Paul, Wendy and Lilly are playing basketball. Kelly and Ed are arguing with each other.
Сторінка 16
4. Rewrite the sentences to make questions, as in the example.
1. Sam is reading a magazine. Is Sam reading a magazine?
2. George is swimming in the pool. Is George swimming in the pool?
3. Bella is washing the dishes. Is Bella washing the dishes?
4. The dog is eating the meat. Is the dog eating the meat?
5. You are watching a film. Are you watching a film?
6. Will and Wilma are working. Are Will and Wilma working?
7. We are skating in the park. Are we skating in the park?
5. Write the questions to the answers.
1. Is Rick learning Spanish? - Yes, he is. Rick is learning Spanish.
2. Is Sue talking on the phone? - No, she isn't. Sue is not talking on the phone.
3. Are Pam and Ann playing a game? - Yes, they are. Pam and Ann are playing a game.
4. Are you watching TV? - No, we aren't. We are not watching TV.
6. Play the game. Let one student come to the board and act out an action. Let the others guess what he/she is doing by asking, "Are you dancing?", "Are you swimming?" etc. The student who guesses correctly is the next to come and act out.
Сторінка 18
1. Circle the correct form of the verb.
1. Detectives solve different crimes.
2. The baby is screaming at the moment.
3. My dad isn't cleaning his car now.
4. I don't sing very often.
5. Tom and Ted go to the gym every weekend.
6. We aren't drawing right now.
2. Rewrite the sentences to make questions, as in the example.
1. They like basketball very much. Do they like basketball very much?
2. Ann looks wonderful in that dress.
Does Ann look wonderful in that dress?
3. Kate and Kelly watch TV every Saturday.
Do Kate and Kelly watch TV every day?
4. Nick is skating in the park. Is Nick skaiting in the park?
5. You are washing the dishes right now.
Are you washing the dishes right now?
6. Rick and Vicky play tennis on Tuesdays.
Do Rick and Vicky play tennis on Tuesdays?
7. Their cat is playing with a ball. Is their cat playing with a ball?
3. Match the questions to the answers.
1. Who is talking on the phone? - d. Rob is.
2. When does Fiona go to the pool? - c. Every Monday and Friday.
3. Where do you live? - e. In London.
4. Why is she smiling? - f. Because she is happy.
5. What are they doing there? - a. They are dancing.
6. Who learns English? - b. Everyone does.
Сторінка 19
4. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then give your own answers.
1. likes Who in your family chocolate?
Who likes chocolate in your family?
2. do study Where you? Where do you study? I study at school.
3. is doing your teacher What now?
What is doing your teacher now? She is writing now.
4. Where going you are tonight?
Where are you going tonight? I am going to the library.
5. go to bed your mum does When?
When does your mum go to bed? She goes to bed very late.
6. your friends learning Why English are?
Why are your friends learning English?
Because they want to speak English.
5. Interview one of your classmates. Ask him/her:
Запитати однокласника про те, ким він чи вона хоче стати
1. who he/she wants to become (dream job)
2. why he/she wants that job
3. what people with that job do
4. where people with that job work
5. when people with that job work.
Сторінка 20
1. Change the sentences in the Present Simple into the Present Continuous.
1. Sam helps me Learn English. Sam is helping me to learn English.
2. Bob doesn't eat fish and chips. Bob is not eating fish and chips.
3. Kate and Jane talk about sport.
Kate and Jane are talking about sport.
4. You don't play a boring game. You are not playing a boring game.
5. I talk to Eddy on the phone. I am talking to Eddy on the phone.
6. It doesn't rain in New York today.
It is not raining in New York today.
2. a) Put the words in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Then underline the word(s) that help you choose the right form.
1. I travel around the world every summer.
2. Dylan does not clean his room on Saturdays.
3. We are having lunch at the moment.
4. Mandy is working at the office right now.
5. Ted and Tom are not posting blogs now.
6. The lesson starts at 8 am on Monday.
b) Write your own three sentences in the Present Simple and three sentences in the Present Continuous.
1. I do my homework every day.
2. I visit my grandparents every weekend.
3. I clean my room on Sundays.
4. I am writing a sentence now.
5. Nick is not reading now.
6. My parents are working now.
3. Choose a or b.
1. a) Where does Ted learn Moths? - At school, of course.
2. a) Why is Kim laughing? - Because she is happy.
3. b) Who is singing? - Charlie is.
4. b) When does he go to the club? - At 10 am on Mondays.
5. a) Who works as a detective? - Mr Smith does.
6. a) Who is making that noise? - Our dog is.
Сторінка 21
4. Put the words in the correct order to make a question. Then give your own answers.
1. are doing you What now?
What are you doing now? - I am learning English now.
2. your friends live do Where?
Where do your friends live? - They live in my town.
3. working Why your mother is?
Why is your mother working? - She is earning money.
4. you the chores helps with Who?
Who helps you with the chores? - My sister helps me.
5. end your last lesson When does?
When does your last lesson end? - It ends at 15 o'clock.
6. Who is at the moment speaking?
Who is speaking at the moment? - Our teacher is speaking at the moment.
5. Write the questions to the answers.
1. Does Wendy like baseball?
- No, she doesn't. Wendy does not like baseball.
2. Does Robert read books?
- Yes, he does. Robert reads a lot of books.
3. Are you talking to Jane on the phone?
- No, I'm not. I'm not talking to Jane on the phone.
4. Is Leila exercising in the gym now?
- Yes, she is. Leila is exercising in the gym now.
5. Are Vic and Nick playing tennis now?
- No, they aren't. Vic and Nick are not playing tennis.

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