ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит з граматики [Карпюк К.Т.] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon1 369, icon0

Сторінка 23
1. Match.
1. I have had my dinner, so - b. I feel fine now.
2. Tom has eaten some chocolate, so - c. he doesn't want any meat now.
3. The fish was not fresh, so - d. Sue has got a stomach ache.
4. We haven't had lunch yet, so - a. we are very hungry.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.
1. Kim has had her dinner already.
2. Bob has not eaten anything yet.
3. We have been to this great cafe already.
4. Sam and Amy have drunk some tea.
5. Ted and Bella have not tried sushi yet.
6. Our cat has been hungry all day today.
3. Write the questions to the answers.
1. Has Helen had her breakfast?
- Yes, she has. Helen has had her breakfast.
2. Has Bob already made the cake?
- No, he hasn't. Bob hasn't made the cake yet.
3. Have you ever been to this restaurant?
- No, I haven't. I have never been to this restaurant.
4. Have Jack and Jill cooked something?
- Yes, they have. Jack and Jill have cooked the soup.
5. Have you put the meat into the fridge?
- Yes, we have. We have put the meat into the fridge.
6. Has Kyle mixed the vegetables?
- No, he hasn't. Kyle hasn't mixed the vegetables.
Сторінка 24
4. Circle the correct word.
1. Rick and Rob have just done their homework.
2. Pam has never skipped a meal in her life.
3. I have cut some fruit for dessert already.
4. Have you ever been to an Asian restaurant?
5. Luke hasn't bought any eggs yet.
6. Has Sarah finished her work already?
5. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Then guess and say what has happened.
Jack has burned his tongue. Rosie has eaten all his food. Lola has drunk all water. Mum has cooked delicious dinner.
Сторінка 26
1. a) Write 'C' for countables and 'U' for uncountables.
1. U - tea
3. C - oranges
5. C - biscuits
7. U - juice
2. U - meat
4. U - oil
6. C - tomatoes
8. C - cakes
b) Fili in the table with other countable and uncountable nouns that you know.
2. Fill in the sentences with the correct form of 'be'.
1. There are some bananas on the table.
2. There is some fish in the fridge.
3. There isn't any rice in the box.
4. There aren't any peanuts in the bag.
5. There are some sausages on the plate.
6. There isn't any cocoa in the cup.
3. Look at the picture. Ask and answer in pairs about what there is (isn't)/are (aren't) in the fridge.
Is there meat in the fridge? Yes, there is.
Is there cabbage in the fridge? No, there isn’t.
Сторінка 27
1. Choose a, b or c.
1. We have (b) never had tiramisu.
2. I haven't cooked dinner (a) yet.
3. Kevin has ( a) just eaten some fish.
4. Carla has drunk some coffee (c) already.
5. Have they (c) ever had a picnic together?
6. Has Tim learnt the recipe (b) yet?
2. a) Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect.
1. Stacey has bought some fruit today.
2. Jim has not cut the vegetables yet.
3. I have made an apple pie for my dad.
4. Ann and Matt have learnt a new recipe.
5. We have not done our work yet.
6. You have eaten all the cake already!
b) Write your own four sentences in the Present Perfect.
1. I have already made my homework.
2. I have never been to Paris.
3. My parents have already bought a present for me.
4. My friends have already seen this film.
3. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then give your own answers.
1. you ever Have tried Italian food?
Have you ever tried Italian food? - Yes, I have.
2. bought your parents some food Have?
Have your parents bought some food? - Yes, they have.
3. a French restaurant Has been to your best friend?
Has your best friend been to a French restaurant? - No, he hasn't.
4. a new recipe your mum Has learnt?
Has your mum learnt a new recipe? - Yes, she has.
5. Have bad a snack yet you?
Have you had a snack yet? - Yes, I have.
6. drunk your teacher Has some water?
Has your teacher drunk some water? - Yes, she has.
Сторінка 28
4.Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
1. There is some berries on the plate.
There are some berries on the plate.
2. There is any milk in the bottle. There isn't any milk in the bottle.
3. There isn't some salad in the fridge.
There isn 't any salad in the fridge.
4. There isn't any apples on that tree.
There aren't any apples on that tree.
5. Is there any onions in the bag? Are there any onions in the bag?
6. Are there any oil in the bottle? Is there any oil in the bottle?
5. Look at the picture and write what there is/are on the table or plate, in the bottle or bag.
There is some oil in the bottle. There is some cheese on the table. There are some oranges on the table. There is some juice on the table. There is some salad in the plate. There is some sugar in the bag.

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